Premades in Random BGs

As I said, grasping at straws

That you do.

Your posts in this thread aren’t like you at all. You’ve definitely gone off the deep end.

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[quote=“Nubzz-emerald-dream, post:426, topic:1180329, full:true”]

We just can’t wait until DF, when the griefers that can’t hack it against competitive players start blaming something else for their losses when their crutches no longer work. Forums should be interesting then.:slight_smile:

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You’re quoting a very broad part of the ToS and trying to apply it to something that is not only allowed but encouraged by blizzard. I play with friends, sometimes I don’t. When I’m not in a group and I go against one I’m usually in for a bad time. But to come to the forums and say they are breaking the ToS? Come on man. That is reaching.

As for this part?

I’m middle of the road at best lol. I’ve got 7/7 honor with some Combatant 2 sprinkled in.

This is fact, and trying to explain this on certain parts of the forum, got me trolled to know end. Endless replies like:
“so u r agenst pepul gearing?” or “ur mad cuz ur undrgeared lol”

The stupidity knows no boundaries, and the trolling is expected but damn…

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For reference

https:// www. engadget. com/2012-12-05-blizzard-takes-a-stand-against-pre-mades-battleground-groups.html

You’ll still be getting stomped on by better players next expansion regardless of gear.

with the exception of the 50 bracket leveling bgs should mostly be just leveling players.
if you’re referring to 50’s because of dipping your toe in with that 50 dh id like to welcome you to the party and/or possibly apologize for what happened.

Nuh uhhh! Nobody can beat me.

? The person i’m responding to is literally trying to insult my entire btag list who has gear who queues random bgs. None of them find it fun to “dominate” players with no gear. Bgs are actually ruined because of the gear discrepancies and i’ve said it multiple times over this expansion that i hate that i have gear and can’t have close bg matches unless i get against equally geared players, which then is fun until i realize my entire team is undergeared and bringing me down

Actually wild to me that you’re supporting false and general claims like

when a lot of top geared premades absolutely don’t (a lot of pvpers actually enjoy how relaxing random bgs are). The actual griefing is epic bg premades with more than 5 people. If you’re not going to also agree that epic bg communities only do epic bgs to dominate and grief, then it’s hypocritical to be agreeing with statements that make all geared players queueing bgs with friends seem like villains

I don’t know a single person who enjoys “dominating” you undergeared folks. Like would you consider it “not griefing” if they took off their armour and went in naked?

It happens and has been happening. You’re still arguing against bg unbalance…


This hit the stupidity celling. I’m just as dumb to keep replying to you, so…

So tell me exactly what you consider griefing. Spell it out. Give an example of a griefing player and then tell me what that player could do so that they’re not griefing

Everyone here already has. Literally, everyone has. If it’s not clear to you, yet; then I have to say that you’re IQ is room temperature or you’re trolling as usual.

You can’t even give an example of griefing because your definition of it is nonsense

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is losing.

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That’s some mental gymnastics worthy of a trophy. Guess you never used Google before, huh?

Typical troll response :roll_eyes:

Humm believe i’d take a lvl 60 over a lvl 29 i dont care how twinked you are