Premades in Random BGs

See, this is where you didn’t comprehend the post. The majority are random queues, not in premade groups. When you take the smaller group and then refuse to queue into other premades, queue times will skyrocket for the smaller group of players.

Blizzard wasn’t ruining the fun of the larger side of the player base, so it was a win because premades or twinks (XP off queue into XP on) mostly play to 2 shot people.

In what world is it griefing?

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This is best answer

None of those things apply to 5 friends queueing together the way the game intended lmao

Bypassing the 5 man queueing limit is griefing. Being geared is not against the tos

Literally everyone on my btag is currently over 300 ilvl. It is impossible for me to queue bgs with someone i regularly play with and the ilvl being low unless its a fresh alt

You’re confused. We are talking pvp…hence the title. No one is talking 5 mans or M+.

I have the strong feeling you’re not quite with it, or you’re trolling. Can’t tell yet…

No one said it was. How are you not getting this?

False. You can que for randoms any time.


? You replied to me talking about 5 man premades in bgs are you ok

So duelist geared premades are ok then

Why would i solo queue for bgs when i have friends i can play with and have actually competent non drooling dps to heal?

If you’re talking about one specific boogeyman group then say its that person specifically, don’t lump everyone into your weird twisted “geared premades are griefing” thing

Tell me where I mentioned 5 mans. Go for it.

Nope. Still not with it.

I don’t care what you do or don’t. Irrelevant.

JFC…you’re dense.

I’m done. I can’t…

if you never said anyone was cheating, then why bring it up? im sure you were referring to the exploiting of bugs part, but you missed the unfair advantage part, premades don’t have any unfair advantage over you when you use a 10,000 foot view. yes its not fair to face a higher geared oppenent or a premade, but when you look at the over all system, all players have the same access to the same gearing systems and access to the same ability to queue with friends.

the main difference is that i may have showed up with something you didn’t think of, that is just art of war and the reality is you aren’t supposed to be 100%, PVP is a progression journey, you are supposed to learn from your failures and find means around them.

no, what i am saying is that you are trying to ask that a fake subjective rule be enforced upon others so that you may be made happy. this is why subjective rules are bad.

would you think it fair if i reported you for not pulling enough damage? not getting enough killing blows? not achieving the potential performance of your class and spec? these all affect the outcome of games and therefor the enjoyment of players participating in those games.

if your point is that i should be reported because queueing with friends ruins your enjoyment of the game, then i should be able to report you for poor performance.

not really fair is it? the idea that your account could be banned because someone else decided you aren’t up to their standards.

you have to understand that blizz doesn’t write terms based on morality, ethics, or anything reasonable or rational, they write them based off of not getting sued and saving as much money as they can.

im not manipulating you, blizzard is. they put that idea in your head that your feelings matter more than others.

bad dps are ruining my gameplay. theyre being disrespectful to their teammates by queueing with subpar gear. enforce the tos!

no, you’re completely silly and your claim is absurd


:clown_face: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Inspecting somebody and seeing a 265 unity belt. :hocho:


oh nah 265 at least theyre trying. now +2 haste socket we need to talk about

Oh gawd, you too? It’s the tos, I didn’t “bring it up”.


Getting warm…

Here’s a mind blower: Not everyone does it at the same time, or for as long.

And losing to steamrolls is not progression, is it? No, it discouraging and as you even stated: “unfair”. Which causing other’s frustration and preventing progression is against the tos as it’s “griefing”.

No, it’s so that everyone has an equal chance to progress without facing discouraging facerolls. You think this is for my feelings? Are you a child?

That’s not relevant to this, as we are discussing progression infringement. Not who is on the dps meter.

Still don’t understand what griefing is. Or you’re just a griefer and don’t want to be held accountable, so you’re attempting to simplify the discussion.

Griefing has nothing to do with standards. It has to do with rules of fair gameplay and not keeping other’s from progression.

How are you NOT getting this?

like i said at the very beginning of this, this is blizzard’s fault and not players. shadowlands is bad for everyone at every level. no one is having fun

geared players aren’t getting competition and undergeared players are getting steamrolled. a vast majority of pvpers would support conquest ranks being deleted right now if blizzard offered it, but they wont. it’s very few people who queue explicitly just to dominate. most people legitimately enjoy battlegrounds and queue for them because they liked bgs

there is no solution until DF

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so idk if this has been posted already or not, but lets use the running shoe analogy: there is a foot race you have entered, and contestants are allowed to use any running shoe they want, any at all, doesn’t matter if its meta materials, special laces, inserts, whatever, you can use it. but you decide to run barefoot instead, and now that everyone else is running faster and without footpain, you are complaining and want everyone else to be forced to run without shoes.

you have the option to group up to queue and freely choose to not take it, i have done nothing wrong by not making the same choice.

zero sum game, that means every game has a winner and a loser. they already tried “PVP where nobody loses and never has any hurt feelings” it was called wargames and it bombed.

the reason PVP is fun is the same reason its upsetting, you can’t enjoy winning without feeling the sting from losses.

u r griefing my forum experience by necroing this thread with ur clown takes

get good

You seem to be struggling with this. Let me explain it a bit easier:

PvP should be (and will be in DF) ranked by gear lvl, so that equal gear score has to fight equal gear score.

You can twist that, manipulate it, ask me what I mean, etc…

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Bro, getting your butt kicked isn’t getting griefed.

It’s not going to be equal.

The gear gap - as always - will be closest in the beginning of the expansion, but at the end - just like mop and wod and other expansions with only 2 sets - the gap will be huge between those geared and those who just hit level cap.

^proceeds to change topic entirely

i thought we were talking premades, not gear, gear gap is mostly solved in DF, you will have PVE<Honor<Conquest

and you will still have premades.

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