Premades in Random BGs

As many times as you and other people have sniped remarks like this at posters who are masking their identity, they just don’t seem to get it. Regardless of who their “big brother main” is, posting on some classic alt in regards to anything that requires time to perfect, loses all credibility.

Carry on :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:


But then they couldn’t flex over discord when they vaporize a player with 29k hp.

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I think people doing pugs should just learn to work as a team.

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Nowhere, did I ever say that.

You don’t even have an idea of what my point is. Stop typing. Go back and read up.

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I did the research. As expected, they haven’t really played Shadowlands. Just living the low level hunter alt dream.

/understatement of the decade…and an impossible dream.

Your post is a 6 month old necro complaining about 300+ ilvl players steamrolling. Your assumption as to why 300 ilvl players continue to play pvp is wrong

What rule are you talking about that they’re breaking then?

Then tell me how 5 man geared premades are considered griefing because i don’t know?

Your low IQ actually astounds me.

Just gonna leave this here:


It’s called updating.

Actually, I fail to see how it is. Most of the other players have 98k health, at least. I’m 276 and don’t have nearly that. Plus I’ve done armory searches. So yeah…

You didn’t prove me wrong.


You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.


Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect and promote an enjoyable environment. Acceptable behavior is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, and violating these guidelines will result in account and gameplay restrictions.,and%20promote%20an%20enjoyable%20environment.

Perhaps you should do more reading.


its not fly hacking or exploiting any bug, you have free access to other players and are more than encouraged to make your own premade.

if my enjoyment comes from winning, then you not pulling your own weight per my standards should be reportable as well. thats the problem with subjective definitions, as much as you want them to protect you, they can be thrown back in your face, by anyone, on a whim, over nothing at all.

PVP is a zero sum game, that means someone will go home unhappy, there is no way to disneyify your way out of this other than to make it a non-game.

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Be careful you don’t pull your arm out of socket while reaching this high for reasoning.

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Nice cherry picking of what the ToS says. I never said anyone was cheating.

Nice try, tho.

You know what it means, you’re manipulating this down to what you would consider minus the main point which is how people are taking advantage of an overlooked and neglected aspect. I mean, you can call that “winning” which it is, without including how people take advantage of it. You know dang well that top geared premades intentionally go randoms to simply dominate.

You’re not going to manipulate me, so stop trying.

It’s the ToS. How am I “reaching”? Elaborate? Afraid of being put in with equal geared players? Too much of a skrub for 2’?

The World of Warcraft forums, where my literacy and grammar skills are highly judged… lol

Grasping at straws there Snowcrest arent you ?


While you insult everyone else…


Not at all. You reap what you sow, kid.


Blizzard had tried this before, and BG’s for randoms was fun and much more balanced. Premades started to whine like 2-year-olds about their 30-minute or longer queue times while 1-person queues were under a minute or just a few minutes. They started to have 30-minute queues due to premades not queueing because Blizzard took their fun away.

It made the majority of players queueing in random PvP much more fun, and the premades again didn’t want to face other premades because the few good ones would farm them the whole game. So Blizzard knee-jerked for the minority of scum and reverted the fix, and random BG’s went back to being an S-show.

That is the same for twinks when they were forced to queue with other XP turned-off twinks. Lower brackets PvP was way more fun and had fast queues, but since the twinks only want to face green gear or new players, they didn’t want to queue into the few good twinks who embraced twink vs. twink. You can guess it, knee-jerk and Blizzard reverted.

Blizzard needs to put their foot down and separate groups in randoms and twinks in XP on back to their own bracket. If they start whining, then you know who the baddies are.


Or, Blizzard can just stop developing new content and let the WoW phenomenon wind down to a whimper. Everyone is easy to complain about what they don’t like, but there is literally no way a company can make everyone happy.

The saddest part is that most players refuse to compromise. It is their way or…else (what?)