Premades in Random BGs

This isn’t really a problem since they uncapped conquest.

How else would you exploit bgs? Are we saying blizz needs to be good at their jobs?

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Yeah I dont think your near as good as you think.

Never broke 1500 in arena,
Subpar level 100 Honor Level
and you barely win 50% of your Random Battlegrounds.

I dont mean to gatekeep but with those stats maybe you should improve instead of relying on on your “friends” to carry you.


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I’ve said this so many times to people in Pre-made BG’s, just make solo quers que with solo quers and Groups que with other groupers.

I’m willing to take a 2 minute ques for that to have balanced BG experiences.

In classic this is a BIG problem. and BG ques are 30 seconds, i don’t care if the BG que is fast to be GY camped, what’s the point?!?!
Give em a 2 to 3 minute que knowing I’ll be queing with random solo ques any day of the week.


Hey man I hear ya, I don’t mean to gatekeep with your stats either but no rated gameplay, and under 50 BGs played with only ~50% win rate. Maybe you should improve these stats before commenting on someone elses.

Ive challenged you to multiple 1v1s so you can come show me how good you are but you always back down. So do what you normally do and sit down.

If you did some math this character sits at 60% win rate in the 20 bracket (full of FTP twinks) but sure mate, keep trying to make a comeback :wink:

Ah sorry. Congrats on your victories in low-level PvP. I’m sure it’s fully attributed to your skills and not the number of twinks on your team.

Its okay, apology accepted. I thought you would of done your research though since your at work and have time on your hands

You would have thought that what you’re saying would bother me, but there’s something else about your posts that bother me that I just can’t put my finger on.

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So first off 2s are miserable and no one should play them

Second off rated gear requires honor to upgrade and arena wins give like 140 honor or something silly (it should be a lot more, even better- remove needing honor to upgrade gear period)

Third off, most rated players don’t like, don’t want and don’t support conquest rank 1-8 discrepancies. The :poop: who do are a very small minority and no one likes them anyway

Lastly, unrated pvp is the most fun one can have and it should be for everyone to enjoy, rated and unrated players alike. Hate the developers, not the players

You’re seeing geared premades because conquest cap was removed and suddenly people need 60k honor asap to upgrade their gear they got in a week on their third alt instead of gradually

Without griefing, IE: making the experience of others miserable. Against the ToS but you know…

Which is removing the responsibility of the ones who are committing the acts, and only applying it to one side that you know isn’t going to do anything.

It’s been happening since BC, and only is worse because Blizz won’t enforce their own rules. Cat’s away, the mice will play.

There’s a major difference between having only one set of conquest gear being better than honor gear and then having trash honor gear that needs to be upgraded, and then trash conquest gear that also needs to be upgraded to be remotely good and then tacking on exponential power scaling with legendaries, covenant abilities and max conduits

Its not griefing to outgear someone. Bg players were able to get bis gear in cata (minus weapon), mop and wod and it was a mistake to not make SL like that

So people who do arenas should be banned from playing unrated bgs? :joy:

If your entire complaint is about 40 man epic bg premades then i agree, that is griefing and cringe. But 5 man duelist premades in regular bgs are not griefing. Now if they’re camping the gy for 15 minutes instead of capping they’re morons and i wish that was reportable, but otherwise no

No you haven’t. Why would I even duel a level 29?

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Yes, they are.

This has been repeated ad nauseam by people for years. If there’s a pvp solution, it’s not griefing. Unless you’re wall hacking or glitching through terrain or something similar, Blizzard isn’t going to do anything.

so if youre successful in arenas youre not allowed to play battlegrounds with friends?

gear disparity is stupid, but it’s equally bad to expect people to stop playing a game mode because they have more gear as well. i’m not going to take my gear off and gimp my stats so that the enemy team who doesn’t take off their gear too can one shot me either :thinking:

I have a solution and created a thread and here is my take on it…

Premades in Classic are a huge problem, in TBC people selected the BG they wanted to play in and farmed marks for the turn in for faster Honor Per hour ETC.
Now you have the random BG, the pool is massively bigger for your systems to create BG’s


Now you guys can implement a system where premade/peoplegrouping can be qued in together into the same BG’s and…

Solo Quer’s can que with other solo Quer’s balancing the teams when playing BG’s.

So now we don’t have to sit at the GY and get camped for honor for 10 to 15 minutes AFKing basically.

Why can’t you guys make sure each team has matching healers, solo quers VRS solo quers and people grouping with others all get grouped together?

Doesn’t this seem like an easy fix to help the enjoyment for everyone running BG’s

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Lol…that’s not what you were referencing and so neither was I. Nice try.:slight_smile: