Premades in Random BGs

Don’t want to beat a dead horse but I have been on all week, what are you talking about? Just in case you forgot Trimac 1537!

its going to get real bad when premades have tier sets vs pugs that dont…lol.

maybe for a few weeks, then we will have most unrated in conquest sets, SAS mixes with some PVE comms to get our people into raids and M+ who need it. perhaps try something like that. if you are good at PVP then PVE shouldn’t be a problem.

you cant get tier sets with unranked arena gear its rated only but then again all you have to do to get rated gear is win one game and upgrade them.

im not 100% sure, but i think people are saying you need to get 1800 to get pvp teir in the vault. you can still get PVE tier, if your set bonus is worth it, use the PVE items until you can get the PVP versions, im not 100% sure if thats correct though, keeping track of gearing systems is itself getting more complex than i care to give effort to.

I agree. Hell, I didn’t even know there were tier sets for pvp. I remember skimming through the news on Wowhead but kinda brushed it off as some raiding thing.

They’re like 10 minutes or longer on horde side

The one where I have waited as low as 8 or up to 15 on horde side. 8 is usually joining something where it’s already a shutout because someone left.

you can or you can put your rated gear in the catalyst when its launched.i admit i dont now all the details i just know you can put your rated gear in the catalyst and turn it in to your tier set pieces.

so if you get just one win in rated pvp you should be able to get your tier pieces.

its going to get worse when all these prmades have tier sets and double legendaries out right destroying pugs.

then the forums with start to flood with complaints.

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It’s nearing Sept, but the situation is a horrific nightmare. For the last month or so, it’s getting steamrolled by a endless zergs of 300+ geared trolls. I get it, griefing makes them feel pro and powerful. They take it personal, they lol over it and it’s a quick and painful battle. I like to imagine these sadists being like 34, lives at home, part time job at Denny’s and dominates randoms to make up for his fail life.

Imagine needing BG’s to feel powerful, because you’re too scared of running 2’s cuz everyone knows you’re an overgeared, carried skrub.

There’s just no reason for this, I hope DF un-screws it.

Maybe they’re just geared.
What’s the situation, were you fighting an actual premade?

Seems like 90% of the time, or so.

Yes please. I’m sick of fighting premades as a random single solo person. It makes me not want to play.

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Well that example of person you listed is exactly why lol more so because they screech like banshees if anyone approaches that bubble. A while back they made twinks fight other twinks and they had a full blown meltdown over it but in a rare display of backbone they decided to keep that design choice in place and thank god for it.

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I do remember that, and how joyful their tears and cries were, lol Sadly, games like this will always draw the bitter, sad and insecure sadists; but it’s nice to see them cry once in a while. The kind of people that either wind up being business people, or basement dwellers. 99% are the latter.

Actually, I’ll be 34 tomorrow and I just dropped my kids off at school and am now sitting in my office where I work full time. Maybe you should play now? Since my friends and I won’t be able to play till later when we have already had dinner with our families, tucked our little ones in, and are able to log in again.

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Doesn’t sound like admission to sadism.

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What’s worse in my opinion is these pve-rs coming and killing me in my pvp gear…seems ludicrous to me. Can’t wait for DF in that respect.

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I can see that, too; how this goes both ways. I’m hoping DF does make a positive change to this, but we’ll see.