Premades in Random BGs

trust me i don’t feel bullied by a sissy that doesn’t show up for the show down :wink:

Perhaps this is for you

Seems like your grasp on comprehension is really really bad. I have been playing since Tuesday and have yet to get a request from you. I just sent you a request and NOTHING.

everyone in this thread knows you wimped out and didn’t meet me at the time I SAID and we agreed on. i wasn’t worried about you after that timeframe… you are not important to me to be thinking about for over a week :joy:

you working all week isn’t an excuse. i came home after being off the game for a week just to beat you. try to show your comprehension skills and read into that!

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Do you know how many times this has been regurgitated in the forums and nothing will be done about it? :grin: :rofl: :joy:

Weird thing to say when you got your rating in January when inflation was already rampant.

Ya Blizzard should put more care at BG content.

How to deal with premade is leave BG, login with other toons. its works since BG exist at wow.

The main reason arena most Played PVP content is not arena much Better than BG.
Its most likely BG at wow not Fun To play, imho

its very simple to comprehend, balance, and announce as an esport. there are people with hundreds of AV’s played and still don’t know the names of all the graveyards. battlegrounds would be cool to watch as an esport if you already understand how they work and what the impact of plays are, but to your average consumer a gladiatorial arena is much easier to comprehend and enjoy.

I said this before I realized he only had rating in RBGS so jokes on you I guess

Na the joke is still on you. The druid also has 2100+ in arena and isn’t trying to have an ego while being a first time duelist in the most inflated season to date unlike yourself.

Oh we are talking about that rat. Almost thought it was the BM hunter! Jokes on you for coming in here thinking I care. When I haven’t played the same character for more than 2 weeks at a time and proved I can get duelist without knowing a class. I was above 2k on my priest that I haven’t played for more than 2 weeks either :joy:

You care enough to keep responding.

Playing 400 games to scrape 2100 at the end of the most inflated season in this games history is not an accomplishment.

I don’t care about playing the game tho! :joy: I come on here to cause drama with the forum nerds who think they’re worth anything more than rating in a game :sob: I’m literally crying as I’m typing this. Stop being so weak in the knees grandpa.

I would be crying to if I paid $15 a month to be awful at the game.

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$15 is not a lot of money. I hope it isn’t for you. I’d have no problem wargaming that druid either, I’m confident to beat people who random bg all day. So instead of pp riding for him let him wargame me!

Aye yall can wargame to your hearts content. I just like putting bad players with egos in check.

I don’t think you know what ego means. Or what even happened in this thread. Perhaps a GED would be good for you

You need about 500 more cr to speak to the adults kiddo.

LOOOL and big boi wants to talk about an “ego” but yikes I was expecting you to be r1 at least with the mouth you have.

Your expectations, much like your gameplay, let everyone down.

The difference between you and i is you try to be something you aren’t. And I don’t :sob: