Premades in Random BGs

you remind me of the older guys on seeking arrangements. that’s why i was wondering

You seem like the type of person you’d find in a karen meme

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literally proved my point lol

Mine too. We were all having so much fun till karenxo showed up

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People have complained about this since i started playing ( Burning Crusade )

nothing will change

Oh you like that?

no it’s a bunch of fake sugar daddies. i don’t have time for that :disappointed:

Probably a day late, and a dollar short but you can just wargame opposite factions.

I was getting taught life lessons by btags in wargames last night. Lol


yeah, i definitely didn’t know this. but he really never met me at my said time to do the thing so it is what it is

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if u were to do this it would absolutely ruin the horde because the fact alliance doesn’t queue for bgs that much so there wait time is far different than alliances queue times. just be glad there isn’t 10 man or 15 man queues or everyone would be doing premades in the lfg section. and I don’t mind it its qeutos for the horde or alliance not fun but stuff happens u win some lose some just move on to the next and hope u get better.

Yes there is, 40 players too.
The system is ripe for abuse.

I would think if the playing field was levelled a bit, that Alliance would Q more and some of the problem would be solved. Combine a gear imbalance with a partial premade running against a full PuG and you end up with a very lopsided outcome.

It was so bad last night we ended up running 27 vs 39, and 30 vs 40 in AV and Ashran consecutively. In what universe are those matchups good? In AV we were pitted against a well known partial premade so the 12 player advantage was magnified 10-fold.

If the difference is that much, then a premade is queue dropping.

thats why they got to remove the grind on pvp gear and just make getting rating give comestics instead.


That makes sense considering it was a premade on the other side…they opted to bypass the BG…waste of 15 minutes though.

No, you don’t get a debuff for not accepting a queue. They wouldn’t know who they’re up against unless they did take the queue. They could then /afk but that’s a different scenario.

Well in defense of premades, and I’m not in any of them but I have been in some on both sides, they’re a lot more fun than solo-queueing. As long as there’s at least an equal mix of comedians to edge lords. Oat is one of the funniest people I’ve ever heard in Discord.


has a point u know they are fun when playing with friends or quildies

The only time I am genuinely annoyed is when I join an Epic BG and Ruin is in there just farming everyone for their stream. Just getting camped when there is no attrition rate is stale and Blizzard used to actively ban players that did this. Not sure why its being allowed again, but its basically a forced 15m debuff wait, which usually ends up putting you right back into that same BG you originally left due to everyone consistently leaving and rejoining…

I can’t post all week since I work Monday-Friday. That night I logged off around 1 AM. I waited you never showed. My father told me that when you make an offer and someone doesn’t show to leave them alone, that is bullying if you continue. I am not a bully, but I will be on tonight.

Trimac #1537
BTW I don’t have to be Alliance to duel you, just as my friend Khabib said: