Premades in Random BGs

I can’t believe I read this thread through its entirety. All I want to do is go to bed…lol.

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as far as i’m concerned, Patronus is the one that took me up to wargame me. you chimed your way in. i want patronus!!

You’re a wimp. Always have been, always will be, a wimp. I’m not wasting anymore time on this LOL. Good night Wimpxo

exactly. your partner Patronus failed you lmfaooooooo

i also find it extremely funny you talk about peoples win rate but yet your main is sitting at 50%. crazy world

Oh good lord he actually doesn’t understand this rofl. The 50% win rate knock on you was that you’re at 1600 with a 50% win rate. Very pathetic for a ret pally. Being 2600+ at a 50% win rate means they’re exactly where they should be.

Really gasping for air huh

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you literally sound dumb. if i were to actually play this character i could maintain the same win rate and be 2100??? you can tell you got your rating from inflation.

Nice deflection!! Got me so good

i see you have nothing to say to that truth. must be harsh for you. also playtime on pally is 1 day… would be kinda sad if i got 2.1 in that timeframe while it has taken you all season

You had your chance to prove you were good and you chickened out. #wimpxo

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Yes yes, always tons of excuses from you never any action

everything i’ve said was the truth lol. you hate to see it… remember the hunter never added me at the time i stated earlier today :wink:

Where is the 6-10 in this thread though?


it’s literally a waste of time. i clearly said 12 EST but they will argue the point that i didn’t :man_shrugging:t3:

This thread shoulda been closed days ago LOL

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I mean after all the good employee chat, meetings at the correct time should be a given.
Can’t sleep in.

We can’t let the viewers at home down!

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at the end of the day. Patronus has let everyone down. all that talk, but never showed!

i was logged into the game for an hour

Let me think about this


yeah after i hit send i almost cared about it as much as i cared about logging in the past week. how old are you?

I’m not interested in dating a liar, sorry

Unless you’re paying?