Premades in random bgs (yes I’m going there again)

Sometimes games ARE still a challenge. Your premade will face strong enemy premades as well. The pugs filling in the rest of your side can be so weak that the game is quite difficult against a strong enemy team.

You obviously increase your odds of winning by a lot, but do not assume you are going to stomp the other side. Premades get matched against eachother often and there is always a bigger fish.


And it worked wonders. Ready for rated whenever I feel like it.

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you do not know if they were beaten by pugs .

im not doing it for you use your eyes n go look its not like much happens that blocks the threads from appearing .

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exactly , if these ppl were to ever try rated like rbgs for example they would understand why sometimes you just dont feel like queuing its not a hard concept .

i bumped like several premade threads to the top just for you guys so you can see easily now yw

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If you had to guesstimate, what percentage of games does your premade face a strong enemy premade?

Well, until there’s more proof, I’m gonna trust their judgment. I doubt people are creating threads and lying about their bg experience.


Thank you for your service!

You’re gonna induce respiratory alkalosis in you-know-who when they see your handiwork.


It is the absolute truth and you know it.

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nope its a outright lie you are just assuming everyone is like that and they are not .

I’m stuck in an AV with a Ruthlessbro premade because I quit to avoid getting farmed for the next hour and every alt I log into gets put right back into the same AV against the same premade. It’s freaking absurd that my choice is either get farmed by a premade for an hour, reroll Alliance, or don’t participate in my favorite part of the game.

THIS is why premades are bad for WoW, period. If you don’t get this then I can’t help you. It’s absolute bs.


I cannot say everyone, but I guarantee the majority are.

no one ever said they were lying . Everyone’s bg experience is different .

im having a blonde moment as to who your referring to lol im sorry i been super timewalking leveling my alts and my brain is mush rn :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Ouch. That’s rough.

No worries.


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oh god i wouldnt wish that on my worst enemy i feel for you i cant stand them . im so sorry .

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Though i still think people are hypocritical (and plain dumb) for saying 5 mans are fine for 10 man BGs but 20 people from a community in eBGs isn’t.



There were multiple premade QQ threads on the front page. You’re not doing anything more than stroking your own ego by creating your own thread.

PS If the “Every time I lose it’s premade crowd” started swapping Bnet tags ya’ll would have a pretty robust community to form up with.


Wise words. If you’re getting owned because some people on the other team know how to make friends, maybe it’s time to make your own friends.

Blizzard certainly isn’t going to change anything in the meantime. They haven’t for a whole near 20 years.


“Anyone want to party sync down to 61-69 BGs for easy honor?”

Just did that in trade chat, had about 3 people wisper me to join…

Its not about “making friends”. “Making friends” as you call it is easy. All I want is to ensure that your “making friends group” is put against another “making friends group” premade vs premade. But Ohbob, Kitania, Bri(when she wasnt forum banned) don’t want that because it will cause them to try and potentially fail.


They’re literally the ones telling you to go make friends. Heck, Bri even offered on the forums time and time again to let people tag along, it’s how I started playing with them.

And let me tell you from first-hand experience: The higher winrate is just a bonus. We’re really just goofing off in Discord.


Sweet! Im glad you made some friends! When you group up with them next I personally think you should only be facing another Ohbob, Kitania and Bri group.

I actually got into a BG with Bri and Joker a few times on some alts, we ended up GY stomping them… they were a 3 man group and we didn’t face another premade on the enemy team apart from once.

That one premade vs premade was fun because it was challenging and wasn’t a roflstomp of pugs.


Funny enough we actually just did. Twin Peaks, got first cap with 27 seconds left on the clock. Was actually fun.

“Damn that was a real game.”

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