Premades in Classic

U know what is great about premades? Horde premades can win without healers. Alliance use healers as a crutch. Today I was in an ab 5 capped by a premade I was chilling on the hill next to the gy at the chapel.

Alliance warrior saw me and came riding close to me and stopped. He didn’t charge in or anything he waited for a priest to show up so he could be healed. Game ended before he even attacked me

If you exclusively solo queue, that is probably just your perspective. Healer PVP rewards aren’t impressive compared to melee, those who are participating are mostly joining premades.

Horde premades have healers, fyi.

I dont exclusively solo que I’m not stupid. My premade team is still young so we don’t compete well against premades especially the salty ones.

So thats my observation there. Alliance won’t move 10 feet away from a healer.

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U know how many times ive tried to 1v1 a horde warrior and he does that?

It’s a good strat. Trust me, being left unprotected as a healer ain’t fun and will make you want to queue with them less.

Its not about the 1 vs 1 that doesn’t happen in bgs that often. Even hunters won’t 1 vs 1 in bgs except on rare occasions but a war vs a hunter warrior shouldn’t be afraid.

this i know I always try to protect the healers while the warriors go charging off out of heal range

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I don’t even play AB or WSG on my horde anymore. I don’t like AV anymore either because it so imbalanced that not enough alliance queue to make it worth while. Honestly, the no changes thing needs to be abolished to some degree.

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I should be hitting 13 this week if all goes according to plan.

I ranked up almost exclusively solo to rank 10.

From there the time investment became too great and I was basically forced into premading if I wanted to climb without spending 80+ hours per week pvping.

Premading has been great, I met a ton of people I never would’ve gotten to know if I hadn’t started pvping with them. It’s made the grind faster, more entertaining, and opened a lot of social networks.

All things considered, there is almost absolutely 0 competitive pvp in bgs on classic. It is 100% a grind.

I’d say less than 1% of any premade is there to compete, only to grind honor.

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Sorry but premading is a very Vanilla experience. I definately queueing over and over to run into the same premades. The difference was that it was primarily server-only so if there were a few premades running around, it felt like you were running into 100% premades

The devs implemented AV changes a few months ago to stop the premade vs pug stomp and then limited the cap to 5 players being able to queue up for AV together. Therefore, they are capable of fixing this situation by implementing again a cap to how many players can queue up together for AB and WSG. Personally 5 for AB and 3 or 4 for WSG is reasonable.