Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Yes, they did. But they didn’t make it against the rules.

It is not currently cheating, to countdown queue.

They used the word ‘prefer’. Not disallow.

Like, I would prefer playing alongside pugs who bother to buy gliders.

My opinion is you are just here to troll people who disagree with you.


So you support premades and think having them make random bgs better? More people are happy playing with premades roflstomping? It makes the whole thing more enjoyable for the general userbase of random bgs?

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It’s annoying because they aren’t fun. Losing happens.

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Yup, I’m all for easy honor and quick games. You guys make it easy.

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I appreciate these types of posts. Taunting players? Good stuff. That’s the quickest path to seeing this issue resolved.

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Whatever :roll_eyes:

Y’all are quite easy to single out in a BG anyways.

Does that make you feel strong? You do realize you are basically saying you like picking on people who you are saying can’t fight back. Literally labeling yourself a bully.


You have to stack bgs to get wins against randoms. Must be rough.


It’s a video game, get over yourself. Not everyone gets a participation award for showing up.

Not rough at all, quick queues and easy honor. That’s all Epic BGs are. I use them to get to honor cap. Y’all are a means to an end.

Honor has largely been useless this expansion. Try to come up with a better reason.

Haha so you are a bully who needs to get a gang together to pick on people because you are afraid of a fair game. Not only that you then like to tout how great you are while you have your gang back you up.

That is hilarious man. I am sorry you need so much help to win in bgs and that you find gaining quick honor to be more fun than actual pvp. Thank you for highlighting exactly why we need to stomp this out by showing how little you care about other peoples fun and showing that you are there to ruin the experience for others for your own gain.

This type of honesty really helps everyone to make things better. I applaud you.

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I can separate reality from a video game. Go ahead, cry and whine about being “bullied” in PvP. I’ll still be doing my thing, and there isn’t really anything you can do about it.

Ya know what would really set people off?

If they scrapped the current system, and went back to the ol’ High Warlord system of honor to see who can really pvp. Make people earn that HWL. Bring back the old AV too, I said old, like Goblin Shredders old.

While I am at it, to really upset players more, let’s also add account wide penalties for ditching any pvp match what so ever.

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Perfect way to highlight the issue, again I thank you for your accidental support.

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They would still whine about premades and outside coordination. You didn’t get HWL without working with others.


Glad to help.

Reality? So the players on the other end having their game ruined isn’t reality?

Weird. Awful people being awful.

Yea, I get why they got rid of them, but it sucks they didn’t think of a better way to implement them as opposed to just removing them.


So get better. Not my fault you cannot play with others.

They actually don’t use the word prefer at all. They simply state they don’t like it, which is why they took action against other means in the past.

Frankly, I fail to see why they shouldn’t do something about it here. It’s the same result, and failing to act is an inconsistency on their part.

Well, actually there is. They’re doing it right now.