Premades are still happening

Premades are STILL happening, Blizzard is still ignoring.

your paying customers need a blue response on this.


What’s wrong w/ premades?

Asking cuz I didn’t play DF, so idk what changes were made

Since when are we not allowed to be ina premade for anything that is queable.


I’m pretty sure this guy’s talking about random battlegrounds, where you’re not allowed to queue ‘as a group’, that is to say, as a premade. You can queue with a couple people, but not with the whole battleground team as one raid group.

The other thread I read (for some reason, I don’t even pvp) said that people were coordinating in discord and if the entire group’s queue didn’t pop at the same time, they would simply dismiss it and requeue. In this way, you could get around the group size limits of a random battleground and enter with one large, coordinated group, versus the other team’s (theoretically) limited coordination of multiple small and solo groups.

If this is actually what’s happening, that’s very unfair, because there’s literally a game mode for people who want to be in a large, coordinated group; random battlegrounds is not that place, according to these threads.

On the other side, you have people who steadfastly insist that this isn’t possible, because you can’t be ‘in that big of a group’, despite that not being the claim that’s being made.

As usual, one side sounds reasonable and has a valid complaint, and the other side sounds like feral delusionists denying reality. In this case, I absolutely believe that people could be grouping up outside the game to skirt group limitations, that definitely seems like something people would do.


Premades in random battlegrounds shouldn’t be banned because it’s supposed to be a social game and PvP’ing with friends is fun.

However, a random group coming up against a 40 person premade isn’t fun for the randoms, and is a boring fight for the other side.

Let groups up to five queue for random and epic battlegrounds, and have separate premade queues for 10vs10 random and 40vs40 epic battlegrounds.


Honestly, this seems like the best solution, but you know as well as I do that some people aren’t happy unless they have a distinctly unfair advantage.

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He got slaughtered by Premade group from PvP. Got destroyed over and over and whining becoz he cant make his own premade.

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I dunno, i have had a few WSG and stuff against premades, and making them work for it or even besting them at times feels great. If people want to full send, thats fine, hell pre season start id want to run a 10 stack and practice before rated comes live. Sorts like looking at Heroic dungeons to see some of the mechancis etc before M+.

the paying customers are the noes premaking.

premades put their pants on one leg at a time too.

Good chance it wasn’t a premade, probably got out played, and now “premades” are the current boogie man.


Blizzard has never responded to demands like this.

There are Blue responses, people ignore them and nitpick them. Some people flat out call the blues liars, that is why when this topic is brought up on the CS forums, the thread is locked down.

Waiting for the usual suspects to show up and start calling people names.

Proud PugStomper since 2005.


Yes, the ones who like attacking low level areas. “We’re just trying to get the max levels to come fight us!” But show up with geared max level players and suddenly they have other things to do. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

This is not a kind of threads that needs to be dragged up again…

Blizzard has repeatedly affirmed that premades are allowed to queue for random BGs at the same time as other premades. Addons facilitating an automation of this is not allowed, but literally any other way to do it is allowed.

This has been an established norm in the game for 17 years, and nothing other than repeated affirmations have been made in regards to it.


i think you are mad you arent IN a premade :confused: find a group to play with.

Some players on the forum don’t like that everyone doesn’t play the game solo.

Probably because Blizzard is cool with us playing with friends.

We prefer team players in premades, we don’t need these kind of people with this kind of attitude.

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The only response I have ever seen in this forum in relation to pvp whining is “Let the Blood Flow”… and they never respond to demands of “A BLUE RESPONSE IS REQUIRED”… ever.

They already do that lol.

Premades don’t want to compete against other premades.

They allow 5 mans to queue as a group, no rules saying they cannot coordinate via chat or voice outside the game. It’s kinda of a roulette wheel doing that. The players that are whining about losing to premades are just being out played, as ANY kind of coordination is a “Premade” to them. Same people claim “haxs!” if you kill them solo.