Premades are still happening

“Customer Support Forum”

My point still stands.

Because it a policy question? Where else you gonna ask? You really expect a dev or CM to chime in on General Discussion? It’s hostile territory for them.

Yeah. I’ve been in matches “its a premade” is thrown out real fast.

Umm, no. we are playing like butt. 2/3 way splits out the starting gate that take no effort to pick apart. Hell I’ve been in the match since start and no clue what the strat is lol. one was never posted in chat at all.

What’s the plan?


That is not a plan. Its an outcome of a plan…

What I usually do in those is sit on a flag as the default lacking a plan. At least we won’t, hopefully, get wiped say 5 cap style in AB.

If wanting to try for farm/stable rush and pin them to gy, say that in the 2 minute wait really.

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That is exactly what I’m saying… A blue is NOT going to answer on this forum, and they never answer to demands of “BLUE RESPONSE REQUIRED”…

“Blizzard, stop people from playing with their freinds in pvp. the fact that they can coordinate isn’t fair” there, i fixed it for you.

It’s doesn’t help a chunk hide in the mines or sit back in the cave to afk honor.

I have been a comp stomp and nearly lost because no one would cap flags. Everybody did there own thing and ran to the enemy graveyard. It took 3 of use to go around the entire map to cap. Some of these guys can’t fight their way out a wet paper bag.

what a scrub

:dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Thats the time to ban pre-mades for good.

We’ve been trying to put an end to the premade RAID groups that sync que together but blizzard doesn’t care. The only thing they pay attention to is if you stop logging in. If enough do it, they’ll listen and only then.

I guess I need to simplify this, lol.

If they choose to put limits on premades in battlegrounds, they should stll allow groups of up to five to queue so friends can PvP together.

They already do, you can’t queue with more than 5.

My bad. I thought you could queue as a raid group. Apologies for the snark. :rose:

bro, rated battlegrounds were created for people who wanted large scale organized pvp.

but these people who make premades and then do random battlegrounds instead dont want large scale organized pvp. they just want to gank/farm randomized teams while in an organized group. they are purposely going around the game’s built in organized pvp to go into the ‘random’ pvp but in organized groups and its just not fun/balanced/fair to anyone who isnt doing it.

Thank you ma’am.