Premades are ruining epic pvp BGs

What do you think this says?

We decided to make this change in order to improve the experience for all players who are queueing into random groups normally and expecting to face similarly random groups, only to find themselves crushed by a full team of coordinated opponents.
We understand that players want to enjoy coordinated team play, and we invite those players to queue into Rated Battlegrounds or play Wargames to have that experience. Players can continue to use Addons to queue for Rated Battlegrounds as well.

Welcome to wow.

They banned an addon. There is zero statements banning or saying it’s exploiting if two groups of ten Que and happen to get into the same bg.

You clearly have never had any legal experience.

Simple solution, buff non grouped individuals or give one random player the power to wack someone with one hit until death and it jumps to another non grouped player.

No. This is a game focused on group content. We aren’t going to penalize people for playing with friends and we aren’t going to reward people for being anti social.

People act like premades aren’t beatable.

Anti social behavior is grieving others enjoyment.


It’s pvp. Someone has to lose. If you can’t handle losing don’t pvp. Hard concept is hard.

Okay wall, it was nice talking to you :upside_down_face:

Aww. Insults because you can’t refute facts.

I’m sorry you aren’t good at pvp.

Insults are written by the first one to throw stones.

Pot meets Kettle. :wink:

I haven’t thrown stones or insults.

Where have I thrown any insults?

You’re totally correct, you never made insults to those who joined PVP non grouped. Never called them a name, never said anything.

I’m sorry wall, my mistake.

I haven’t. Feel free to quote where you think I did.

The irony

The game does not allow you to queue for random bgs in a raid group.

Even if you want to ignore what Blizzard has said previously, it should be pretty obvious what that means when you can’t queue up in a raid group.

Sadly, some people are ok with circumventing restrictions to roflstomp the other team. They’re bringing premade raids on voice chat into a bracket that does not allow players to queue in a raid group. They’re driving other players away from PvP.

Furthermore, many epic bgs are ruined because one team starts half-empty due to premade raids dropping queue pops in their attempts to circumvent the system or avoid other premade raids.

I just think it’s amusing that somebody who’s never been above Rival is throwing around rating insults.

I still like the idea of a separate group queue: if you’re in a group of 3 or more you get put into it automatically. Solo queuers could check an option to opt into the group queue as well.

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Easy to solve, have separate BGs for pre-mades. If you join an epic BG with a group of, say 5 or more, then you wait in a different queue for BGs with other groups containing more than 5. Boost rewards slightly to encourage people to join the tougher queue.

nice troll

Considering it got you to reply a month past, I would say so lol.

Oh I didn’t see this one.