Premades are ruining epic pvp BGs

people who do premades are losers. They lose at life so they need to cheat to win in a game.


We have reached the point where grouping with other people to play the game apparently makes you a loser lol.


Imagine hating on someone because they have friends in an mmorpg.


I mean it is intentionally circumventing matchmaking restrictions.

Just me and my 39 pals.


Its been around for as long as I can remember. If it was an issue, you would think Blizzard would have done something years ago lol.

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Yeah, it’s gotten terrible to queue alone. Although they’re fun if you’re lucky to be queued into a premade vs premade. But when it’s premade vs randoms it’s a straight abuse.


This just in: PvP continues to be a rolling dumpster fire that’s about to crash into a fireworks factory, and minuscule buffs were made to the amount of crests rewarded in PvP. More information and more news at Noon on ANN!

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it’s no fun. It’s only fun for people who need a guaranteed win and who get off on abusing strangers. Sicko stuff.


i often forget epic pvp bgs exist and i do pvp constantly lol

Anyway ya they circumvent the queue mechs via discord. Legit dunno what blizz could do about that, same thing happens in SOD.

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are these friends in the room with you right now? It’s jjust geared dorks grouping to stomp a PUG. It’s lame as hell.


Groups of five are fine, but when most of the team is a premade and the other side are all randoms it’s not fun for either side. Just match premades with premades as much as possible.

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Tis why I quit PvP after season one of shadowlands, the most toxic game mode in this game honestly with how people act and behave in the mode.


No, if it’s premade vs premade, it can be quite fun. Because the whole BG comes alive, with tactical moves and retreats, etc. It’s how it’s supposed to be played. But dominating randoms this way is griefing.


You replying to the wrong person? I never said anything about friends lol.

It has gotten a touch out of hand lately I’ve noticed. Don’t mind running into the occasionally premade, despite how stupid it, but it seems I’m running into them more and more lately now suddenly.


Premades are fine but the really good ones suck the fun out of a BG of randoms really quickly so people give up fast.


No, it’s not if blizz has done nothing about it for years.

I don’t like synced premades vs. pugs, but it’s entirely on blizz to change it, if they want to.

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The Funny bit is it’s can be 5 dudes.

Most of the other 35 are people who go on it’s that dude.

And we’d follow their orders to the letter.

In sl there was panda monk who most randoms knew to just follow the strat. Not sure if still around or their main still. But when they said jump I said how high.

As a random. They actually ran more than 1 strat for ashran. I liked them for that alone.

No roc, to ogre, now mid mash till drive to other side. Or get teeth kicked in. Ashran having other strats…blew my mind.

They have been ruined since the day they came out. Blizzard not enforcing any form of prevention or punishment for mass premades has made the coolest game mode for pvp pretty much unplayable.


Nothing to punish. They just need to have premades fight premades, and pugs fight pugs. That’s more fun for everyone.