Premades are fine, this is an MMO

you are not being forced tho you choose to play solo thats a choice . you can always do the same thing .

so yes valid reasoning . Just because you do not agree with it doesnt mean its not valid.

you keep brining up randoms , im referring to his comment about forcing rated content on others for simply playing the game and his comment ONLY . stop making up scenarios .

But you do agree that premades should be facing premades and not random pugs of solo queuers?

Or do you not agree with that.

i never said i disagree but my point wasnt about that it was for his comment and his comment only .

Giving everyone the ability to one shot the enemy is the way forward for this game. Before you scream and say no its not, well its basically what premades in full gear and 600k hp are doing against new players with 140k hp who just hit 70.

(lowers into the microphone) Wrong.

This is an MMO that swings both ways: solo and group.

And if I want to go solo doing RBGs, Imma do dat.

But you see, the problem with premades is that 9/10 times, the game is already thrown if you’re on the other side. If you keep rolling against into premades, that’s going to bog down your progress, because winning is more fun. I don’t need to deny that I’ve written off putting in the effort on premades when I progressed with BGs in a season; you got to save your energy for the ones you CAN win.

Do it man, nobody views it as cringe to tryhard a very casual game mode that nobody cares about.

The only thing in life that matters is farming dopamine points after all

I mean what do you expect you just hit 70 ? Even back with legion templates it was the same . You just have to grind gear .

oh look heres one thread

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I think you should chill with the social media doxing. Jessica may not want her tiktok posted all over a gaming forum :woozy_face: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Which toon is Jessica posting on?

That’s a distinct and critical difference from having my RL social media identified and linked here. (by Jugaa)

We can go over this again if you want to.

How do you know she doesn’t post here? :dracthyr_shrug:

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The difference is I definitely post here.

And my RL social media was identified and linked here. (by Jugaa)

You could definitively connect my toon to my RL stuff. (b/c of Jugaa)

If you’re gonna troll, at least believe what you say actually makes sense.

WoW has a few million subscribers so you never know… you probably just doxxed her :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Let me know when you figure out which toon she posts on.

There’s no connection here, so bad luck with that.

…link to post in lounge thread?

Must have missed all that drama or it happened a while back, cause I don’t really remember any such twitter links

Unless the post was deleted or something along those lines

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It was a while back.

I think the entire thread was also deleted when the mods saw what happened.

Ahhh yes. I’m sure that social media influencer would hate getting attention.

Most regular/everyday people shy away from having their IRL names/social media page(s) being doxxed since there’s nothing really to gain from it (…but it does open up possible harassment from trolls and such). An ingame toon name or a random forum username is one thing, but IRL names is a line in the sand to most people

On the other hand, a social media influencer/streamer type directly benefits from random people stumbling upon their links, IRL name, social media page (more viewers, more subs, more donations, etc)

There is a difference


Law of Averages. The more people who view it, the better. Good luck Jessica. Hope you sell some Necklaces!