Premade's are a problem

If they always show up together, that tells you something.

Wouldn’t be the first time someone got caught using fake engagement on the forums. Or trying to astroturf threads.

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“astroturf” - I like that.

No, I think it’s just because you’re a jerk. Your posts are singlehandedly more detrimental to premade epics than the epic premades themselves. You come onto these forums and relentlessly mock people who have a very legitimate complaint. You’re in this thread circle jerking with WorldPvP, but at least he knows when to turn it off and have meaningful and productive conversations. You, on the other hand, are just so two-dimensional. There’s something to be said about the masks we choose to wear.

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It isn’t a legitimate complaint. It’s not even a recurring problem. It’s just a git gud situation. Also I’m perfectly capable of having well-reasoned conversations with people whenever they warrant them.

You, and the other usual suspects quite frankly aren’t worth the time. Sorry.

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There’s another thread on the first page right now where the person who is complaining about Epic Premades has over 90 likes, and the person saying it’s fine has 3. You live in a delusional echo chamber. You are delusional. Seriously. You are outnumbered in every single thread, and you’re response is “Oh it must just be alts”

You live in your own little world.


Yeah I guess you’re right. In an argument of public opinion on whether or not people seem to be against premades in epic BGs it would be silly to take some sort of voting mechanism as fact. But hey, all your friends love it right? So there we go.

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Except the forums definitely do not represent the player base as a whole, and it’s hilarious watching you all twist yourselves into knots trying to make arguments based off of “likes”.


The topic is as old as dirt…hence not many who have been playing since 2005 really look at a topic labelled Premades are a problem. There are always going to be people unhappy about anything in this game but unless you get a few hundred likes it’s really not saying much

Sure. If it were like 90 for and 80 against, the yes. But 90 vs 3 is a pretty huge margin. I would say it’s hilarious watching you wiggle your way out of this, but it’s really kind of depressing. You don’t have an argument. You don’t have anything. You need to get good man. You’re bad at this.

Depends on the sample size. 90 out of a couple hundred forum posters is huge. 90 out of tens of thousands forum posters is nothing.

True but as I said so many older players won’t even view a post labelled Premades are a problem .

I barely do. There are so many of them these days. I only wanted to see what the fuss was about in this one and then I found Akat being the usual Akat.



It’s a frequent problem for pugs.

Pugs vs. pugs, their win rate is around 50%. If you’re trying to get your daily win, that requires probably 1-3 games.

However, when you throw premade raids into the mix, their win rate drops drastically, requiring many more games and much more time to get one win.

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Nothing but excuses and gaslighting from toxic bad players trying to make excuses for premades lol and yes by premades people mean the ones abusing the queue syncing stop say “oh it’s an MMO” if you want to be in a big group go do ranked that’s why it’s there smh


Which created noteworthy competitive eras in Battlegrounds too.

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What amazes me is how these elitists in these threads can troll and throw personal insults around and the mods do nothing.

Because multiple people could not possibly disagree with you? Very narcissist of you.


Yup and the point hits home and works. People who deserve to be at the top are at the top and people who dont arent.

The ones that rely on premades to pvp against pugs don’t do them but the fact remains Solo Shuffle was introduced and people are enjoying it.

As for the premade issue… how many threads and posts have there been about it? A lot. Shows an indication that people are fed up facing them.

Heck I sometimes am over being on the same team because we GY Camp the enemy and its not fun for anyone.

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Aredea thread…


That made me laugh :slight_smile: