If they know or convince themselves they are going to lose, and they are willing to quit because of it, that’s on them. I’ve seen full conquest characters take their hands off their keyboards in the straight 1v1, what’s to stop lesser players from giving up worse? Only player mentality can save themselves from that mental hellpit of defeat.
It’s naive to expect a random group of players who probably aren’t even all there for the same purpose or intention to rally together and step it up to have a good game vs a large sized premade. 1 of the reasons you join a premade in the first place is precisely because of that.
You’re also quite often going up against premades who’re just going to have more healers than you because they’re coming in with plenty - that’s huge in epics; not only having big dmg pumpers, but more healers?
on top of having better communication and just being more organized overall; you can also guarantee to have a certain number of people on your team who’re above average, have experience or gear. you’re controlling a number of different variables while they’re all left up to RNG for the other team.
this quickly swings in the favor of the premade and snowballs so quickly there is little to no hope for the pug group.
If you really want to be at the mercy of RNG in this game, you are “free” to do so lmao. There just isn’t an argument here why you shouldn’t be able to do the content as intended, and I’m gonna keep waiting. It’s all on Blizzard, if it makes you feel any better. They want to be able to keep the faction dynamic, they want to keep you bound to groups of 5, they want you to reroll ret, etc. The limitations are arbitrary and meaningless and frankly don’t matter, they are what’s in the way, not better players.
It actually is better players in the way when you can artificially create a way to guarantee your group has a higher amount of above average players. If premades were full of crap players the overall organization wouldn’t make enough of a difference in power level to completely dominate the majority of games
This works in the inverse, too, so I don’t see your point. Do you have any other excuses as to why you can’t do it?
I’m 440-285 (61%) in epic BGs on my main, and 77-72 (52%) on this alt. Your current character is 762-431 (64%). Combined, your win rate is only 5% more than mine. I don’t know how many of your wins came as a result of steamrolling through “bads” as part of a premade, but feel free to estimate. It sounds to me though, like you’re the one who wants the easy path to victory instead of engaging in fair combat.
I don’t care, lmao. This doesn’t defend you any better than crying to blizz did, or will.
imagine choosing to cry on this hill
This would be lovely. It would solve several other issues as well.
premades are controlling a number of variables that’re almost always to their benefit and its naive to think that the other team wouldn’t be massively disadvantaged. You’re creating more 1-sided games. demoralizing games. Its comparable to Q’ing with 2k rated players and joining 1k MMR games with your 2k team expect the other team isn’t even organized either.
that being said I still think you should be able to Q with more than 5 for epics, but they should prevent Q syncing and enforce it.
it’s a real hurdle. from blizzard’s perspective, maybe it allows them to fill BGs more efficiently or with more sense of balance or control, but that sense of control only exists in the limitations of the game. Some people play red, some people play blue, that’s the ultimate non-random element in PVP, but nevermind that I guess…
But uh yeah the idea that there can’t be two big raids sitting in Q just to duke it out against eachother is actually insulting- since they want to expedite Qtimes etc etc. I’d wait as long as possible if it meant not getting the sloppy thirds on entering a BG
I’ll be looking for you.
the number you’re allowed to Q with should be proportionate to the size of the BG. In my opinion it shouldn’t be more than 1/3 of your faction size
that’s up for debate I guess
but only 5 for a 40vs40 doesn’t make sense when your premade can be 1/2 of your entire team for a Warsong Gulch
that’s 1/8 (40vs40) vs 1/2 (10vs10) vs 1/3 (15vs15)
I think 1/3 is the most balanced overall considering the experience and mechanical skill variance between players
I’d say I’d be waiting, but I think you’re just gonna end up as KB#17812, and push my KB rating to 8.0 as the god of murder intends.
I think 20 is a fine number. You could have two opposing raids loitering in Q or LFG, going into battle against eachother with the rest being filled by willing solo Qers or whoever. If these epics functioned more as a server browser instead of 80-person rollercoasters, things would be unbelievably easier to just play. But instead just to play, even solo, you have to get in line, wait, then get in, then hope your team isnt dogwater by composition, then hope that the team isnt actual dogwater, then commit to battle? Like yeah, let me storm utah beach with Kevin and Fred on their after-work AFK session
Very rarely are premades ever approaching the sizes mentioned in the histrionic, exaggeration-fueled threads that this forum gets spammed with all the time.
There are occasions where you MIGHT get 30-35 people or even rarer, 40 people in a game, but usually it’s at max 20 and usually due to the amount of Horde premades running around and them also getting split queues it ends up premade v premade during primetime hours.
At this point, it’s a skill issue and has zero to do with premades.
I think that 20 players or 1/2 of your team size as a premade is too massive of an advantage.
when you have a 5 player premade vs pug in WSG, if your team has decent players on it, thats a GY farm where they can’t even leave their GY vs your standard pug group
I’m starting to like you… but my feral must feed.
Admittedly, non-epics bgs have a different player-to-weight advantage, and I don’t do many non-epic bgs as I just don’t find them fun. It sucks, EOS is ok, strand was ok too. idk capture the flag is only so fun, yknow
A 5 man killteam in a 10man battleground is enough to just win, but you can negate certain class-group balancing with things like vehicles or keep turrets.
Like yeah, there are roving glads in Wintergrasp. Don’t burn me with the catapults, oh no, please don’t burn me for ALL of my hp, that’d BE PAINFUL, DONT DO IT, OWIE, OWIE
now im really not worried, damn. roll fury so we can have a slap fight, i wont take disarm i promise
Oh for sure. I can see nothing but positive changes by enabling cross faction random BG queueing.
Queue times would be super short, premading would be harder since there’s the chance half of their group is on the enemy team, and no more “Horde/Alliance always loses!!” threads. No need to pay for faction transfers either at that point.
its true that there is a weighted difference, but the scale between 10vs10 and 40vs40 isn’t different enough that 1/2 the entire group as a premade isn’t still a massive advantage.
I would settle for 20 though, but they would have to make sure you can’t Q synch two 20-player groups so easily unless you were up against another team that had a comparable amount of grouped players