Premade Queue Exploit

Last night I happened to join an AV and he was in there with at least ~20 judging by how there was a giant “blob” of Hordes physically blocking the pass near IBT with a “road-block” (pugs don’t usually do this)

Then some random Rogue in the chat called out “theyre premade” and ppl immediately started leaving, I think the Alliance team dipped down to like 31/40 players before I also left as well

Basically as soon as people notice the other side is premade the bailing out begins :joy:



That’s assuming they’d fight fairly. Who knows. Maybe their premade community wants the Horde to win so shenanigans ensue.

Or their raid leader or shotcaller is on the dominant team. The side that doesn’t have their shotcaller gets no directions so those lemmings don’t know what to do and they lose.

Also, if it’s not half and half, let’s say 1 party on one side, and 3 parties on the other, will that 1 party still try to win? Or will they sabotage their team and take screenshots of the raging?


At that point though, you can genuinely report them for game throwing. You can’t really report people for premading because it’s not really exploiting, but you can report for game throwing.

Just take a look at how they handled Solo Shuffle. Non participants or people who continue leaving the matches get punished heavily for it.

Maybe, but it’s still a giant middle finger to the premaders. They didn’t get their whole group in and half (or some) of them have to suffer a loss if they don’t try to win.

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Hmm… I haven’t seen anything yet.

Unless you’re talking about the CR/MMR loss for abandoning a RSS game, but that doesn’t apply to AV.

Well, if you wanna kill me that bad you can merc which you like to do anyhow :wink:

And sometimes we wind up with other premade communities and we work together.

Alliance does that daily.

I do not like to merc :face_vomiting:

It always turns me into a balding human male. It’s nasty. I only merced a few times with Alec whenever we were pulling some weird shenanigan.

That’d be fine though, because it’s premade vs premade. The problem is thinking that premade vs pug is fair. It’s not fair for the pug at all. :roll_eyes:

Cross faction BGs would be fun to see. Imagine SAS and SoD having to work together, or RUIN and WSB :joy:


I’ve heard what happens, I wasn’t there for it, but they all report each other and get the leaders kicked. Lmao.

That’d be fine, because that’s a reportable offense. False kicking just because you don’t like someone would surely net a suspension for those involved.

Oh, we should mix premade raids more often.

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Nobody stopping pugs from using in-game voice chat.

But this won’t stop pre-mades, it just potentially spreads them. It’s fair if you don’t mind pre-mades as long as it’s balanced, but it won’t get rid of pre-mades and the complaints people have about them.

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Like I said, that’d be fine, because the problem is premade vs pug.

If a premade is spread out and half of the premade is on enemy team, it becomes premade vs premade.

Premade vs premade isn’t a problem, it’s premade vs pug that’s a problem because it’s unfair for the pug.


Why don’t you guys use in-game voice chat?


Why would we if we can use Discord?

If the in-game voice chat is good, you guys should use it. Don’t tell pugs to use stuff you guys won’t even use.

And if it’s easy to get pugs to use in-game voice chat in 60 seconds when most of them probably don’t even know it exists, and then get them coordinated like a premade raid, why do you need to run with premade raids on Discord? You can just use the in-game voice chat with pugs.

You should test your suggested solution and let us know if it works.

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No body wants to go into in-game voice chat because its garbage. Also, that still doesn’t solve being able to fill your team with what you want where as premades can do that.

Grasping at straws here.

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Not that I think it’s the best idea but the in game voice chat is actually decent. Just no one uses it.