Premade problem

Link it. Akatsuki you apparently still have a really sore behind. Would it surprise you to know that JUGAA came to me about a year ago to apologize for “not being very nice” to me during WOD. Understatement of the century. However, I accepted the apology. I always liked her. We are adults. Jugaa has even rejoined Hydra. She is banned from these forums until 3021 however. Welcome to the NEW Blizzard. We have an entire FB group for nothing but Hydra videos of literally every game we ever played. Yaga streamed every minute of it. I’m very proud of Hydra and what it brought to the PVP community. We organized pugs into a TEAM that worked together, followed ONE leader and followed the calls and we had a 94% win rate in Alterac Valley against any and all comers. It’s a shame there are so few Horde players still interested in large scale premades. I believe it would re-energize this game and as I provided proof to Bobby Kotick right after Legion dropped, there are literally MILLIONS of ex WOW players playing on “private” WOW servers just so they can actually play PVP the way its fun. I was really hoping Blizzard was going to give us something we could have premades in again but apparently they really don’t want them. PVP has always been the afterthought in WOW.