Ahh bet you’re a sync exploiter. That would make sense with that inflated ego.
lol you dont but what ever makes you feel better
But are they russets or Yukon golds?
I have less posts than my peak CR so now you have to unhide your characters as that’s the stipulation you set.
A WoW ego in 2025 and over random BGs nonetheless.
Wah , I just got stomped and now I’m mad. Better post on the forums.
Or, join into a community! Be the stomper.
Hop into that bag of potatoes.
I just got stomped and now I’m mad. Better post on the forums
I find it funny that players get derided for taking their legitimate criticisms to the forums (the place you’re supposed to do it), but you’re the one who got mad and joined a premade community. Who are you to make fun of other players?
I have a couple geared pvp characters and my friends and I have been doing randoms and we’ve been queueing as a group of 3. It’s a lot of fun.
so blizz is changing the wpvp thing which has only been an issue for a few months but still radio silence about sync queing?
you really think they haven’t heard the pearl clutching and hand wringing? they absolutely have and them not changing anything is their response.
trying to flood the forums with what amounts to “im tired of losing” isn’t blizzards problem because you’re still here paying a monthly sub.
I’ll be honest, I don’t really bother reading what you write
Boil them…
mash them…
Celornka. The man said potatoes and you went scorched earth rating shaming on him. I’m impressed.
A potato, clearly.
Not mad at all, I was invited to the community after running alongside of them as a PUG. It made the casual pvp environment much more enjoyable.
I find it funny that players go to the forums and make false claims that queue-syncing is considered an exploit or cheating when it’s not.
So, hop in a PvP community and be the potato!
It made the casual pvp environment much more enjoyable
It’s not a casual PvP environment. You specifically opted out of that to run with a coordinated group of sweats.
tell em scout dodger mama yea! thats all djl is anyways. i think you are a WINNER but you can never beat avm if you tried (sorry meso but this is our opportunity)
we also have receipts LOL
You say potato
I say potahto
You say tomato
I say tomahto
Potato, potahto
Tomato, tomahto
Lets run to the forums and cry
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL2HeP6LVlk
It’s very casual. We always have a lot of fun. Zero pressure. Even when we’re up against other premades, we’re having a blast!
You know what, we are potatoes.
Most of us are baked while we play, so…
I’m not sure you actually understand what the word “casual” means. None of what you’re doing is casual
Your outdated info isn’t relevant here, No². You’re also too cowardly to provide you main info, saying you’re already in DJL… But zero proof behind it. Nothing but a troll.
I’m happy to say I dodge BSG because of their playstyle. I don’t know who AVM is, but I’m sure they’re as good as you say. If they’re a PvP communty, then they are well-organized and probably have a lot of fun playing in EBG’s!
Another reason to join into PvP communities, people!
i am starting to think you dont actually play but we have receipts sorry mama. and im double mega sorry for hurting your feelings. also u dont have to respond its all… you know. mush