Premade battlegrounds

but it doesn’t because you can’t queue as a raid group

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wrong lol i am the one playing with the confines of the game they are not they are EXPLOITING to get a full raid into random bg’s therefore getting an unfair advantage

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No. Again. It’s random. The system decides where to place people.

but if the system didn’t think it was okay to put us in the same game, we never would have met to continue queueing together. you think we are standing in town recruiting? we recruit stand out players from winning games. meaning the system already randomly put us together, sanctioning the pairing.

Forcing the system to put them together by sync queue and only accepting if they are together is not the system deciding…


You can’t force the system. You can only communicate with each other.

so you only get in with a group of 5 and no more right?

you 100% can by sync queue and only taking the queue if there in the same one

Yup, I learned of SaS, by randomly playing with them. It’s the only reason I’m here.

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i only queue with a group of five, if multiple groups get into the same game, that is the system’s doing.

They may get a pop at the same time, but that doesn’t mean they are in the same instance.

so you get more then the allowed 5 in there therefore going around the system to get a raid in there cool thank you for admitting you are cheating :slight_smile:
Not that everyone didn’t know that already

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that’s exactly what it means lol

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Do you mean the system is going around itself?

so if i have a group that wants to queue, are all 990 other member of SAS just supposed to wait in line for me to pop before they queue?

… no how could that possibly make sense to you?

No it doesn’t. They could be in different instances. That’s why it’s called random.

I don’t know, that’s why I was asking you.

they can do their own randoms in 5 mans sure but forcing the game to put you all together is exploiting…

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if we are all doing our own 5 mans, and we all get into the same instance, what is the problem?