Prejudice against survival hunter

Enhance main here. Every group I apply to has asked me which spec I am. When I tell them I’m enhance 7 out of 10 groups will reject me or have asked me to swap to elemental.

as i previously replied:

In otherwords, the OP is overexagerating, as it hasn’t been bottom “ALL THE TIME”, as Survival has been the top hunter spec used by all the world top players with ratings exceeding 3K which is a testament of how it wasn’t anywhere near the bottom, meanwhile Marks and BM, were not used at the top, highest marks and bm were sub 3k past 2 xpacs

It only began to fall behind the past 2 patch cycles, in Shadowlands pre-patch and in 9.0 as MM was made the top baseline damage, and hard hitting burst.

Yes there is always going to be the bottom spec I understand that… however it always seems to be the same consistent specs that get left in the bottom 5, blizzard have the numbers and yet choose to leave them as is. And by doing this they are segregating a section of the community. > Blockquote

I skipped half of this thread, but going to put a little information out there.

In January I became aware of a sight called

Statistics -

What this tab on this site does is keep track of every character that interacts with their covenant. So basically every level 60. It’s not 100% accurate because it takes a long time to go through every character. It also ignores characters that haven’t been on for the last 28 days so abandoned alts and unsubbed players have minimal effect on the list.

Since I became aware of the site, I’ve been periodically recording the data for the number of hunters playing each spec.


Hunter Population - Google Sheets

Long story short.

MM currently makes up roughly 57% of hunters
BM currently makes up roughly 38.5% of hunters
Survival currently makes up roughly 4.5% of hunters


There is some great points in here and I appreciate all the time and effort everyone puts into reading and responding to these post.
But let’s play current world here:
The spec suffers from bad PR it is a fun spec to play IMO, and I can produce competitive numbers with it. however the tier rankings system that are put out by wowhead, icy vines have it down the bottom. Which in turn leads to been removed from groups or flat out not been invited.
The amount of whispers I get saying “ I thought survival was $&@!” Is ridiculous

Breakdown on numbers:
If playing the cluster legendary the AOE damage is insane the spec issues is single target output. Once the opening 15secs of a fight is done so is your dps.
And the flare trap legendary cool concept appalling to play and the difference in numbers vs the AOE option is minimal.

So I would love to read people options on how to fix the spec in its current state wiping it from the game or adding a 4th I can’t see blizzard doing at all.

Start your own group and do the invites. That way you can be as strict or lax as you want to be and no one can fault you for it. Those groups you’re signing up for are someone else’s group and someone else’s key, so they make the rules. If you make your own group, you’re the one making the rules.

Survival hunters have been dead for a long time.


Thanks heaps for putting that up, eye opening to see that it is that unbalanced. Having said that granted the whole fantasy point of the class is ranged dps, but on the other side of the coin blizzard have characters like Rexxar who they have probably modelled the spec around.I think they really need to come out and go this is what we have planned for the spec.
And not just survival but all the lesser played classes, I’m saying unless it’s top ranking I’ll complain till it is.
It’s just a horrible experience been removed from groups and not been invited to raids or M+ because your spec suffers from poor sims in an optimal environment.

It’s not just the sims or performance though. If it was, it would be reasonable to expect BM to also have a very low population count because it is also performing really badly right now.

But that isn’t the case. SV needs buffs of course but I don’t think that’ll really solve your problem. The vast majority of hunters play the class due to the ranged gameplay focus, and I think in turn the rest of the community expects that since that’s strictly what Hunters brought for twelve years until Legion happened.

It’s a massive undertaking to get people to feel more comfortable with a melee hunter at the community at large, and we can see how detrimental removing a spec for melee was within the hunter community itself.

I really do hope they bring SV up. It deserves it like any other spec. But I very sincerely doubt it’ll fix the problem you’ve described. Half of the problem would be fixed ideally with a 4th spec. That would help solve a lot of problems within the hunter community.

For starters, raptor strike should actually do some damage lol.


Yeah mate I do that to a point, but once my key reaches a point where I feel like I’m a hindrance to the grp I don’t push it anymore. I do not want to be carried or a force people to waste there time doing that.

A lot of you guys seriously need to stop depending on your own faulty memory to make judgements about how things were in older expansions; maybe you would embarrass yourselves a whole lot less. We have data from the time as well as existing private servers (yes, they are illegal, but they exist and have had influence on WoW discussions; just look at classic WoW) to show us that ranged SV was a very popular spec for its time. We also have people like me who experienced it, but I’m not one to depend on anecdotal evidence.

I understand where this attitude comes from, though. Survival has been deeply unpopular since the release of patch 6.2 back in June of 2015. That’s almost 6 years of being one of the least popular specs in the game. It’s hard to imagine a time where Survival was anything more than the circus freak of WoW class design; something most people just point and laugh at or use as a cautionary tale. But Survival was once known to be a widely enjoyed spec. That’s really why people want to see it become ranged again. We look to the past and see an iteration that worked really well and was thrown out for dubious and misinformed reasons. The obvious answer to us is to revert the changes and start again from where we left off.

Survival wasn’t the top spec for most of MoP but it had a way of remaining very popular even when it wasn’t the best. In fact, for most of patch 5.4 (Siege of Orgrimmar), BM was a better spec but SV had more participation in raiding.

For the record, Survival started off as a niche PvP utility spec. It saw some play but not a lot. BC added some raid utility to help it out to at least some minor level of success. It really took off in WotLK with the addition of unique abilities like Explosive Shot and remained a popular spec (at times among the most popular specs in the game) all the way until 6.2 in WoD. That’s almost 7 years of being a widely played spec. Going into WoD at the 10 year mark we were more used to SV being a popular spec than an unpopular one.

You’re the one spouting nonsense, but I expect no better from you knowing your previous posting habits. I don’t expect you to ever stop with the futile attempts to revise history when it comes to Survival (and I’m not convinced it’s entirely due to faulty memory; I do think you get a kick out of being dishonest) so i’ll be brief; you’re wrong about SV being underplayed as a ranged spec and you’re wrong about it being melee in Classic. If you play Classic right now you’ll find SV is played as a ranged spec. Legion/BFA SV are nothing like the original.

Uh, no. Hunters aren’t obligated to give Survival a fair go. Removing a beloved existing ranged option in a class built around being ranged with a playerbase full of people expecting ranged weapon gameplay was not fair so demanding they all just acquiesce to their melee direction for Survival isn’t fair.

Declaring that melee gives more direction to the class is just melee favouritism manifest. Melee isn’t God’s gift to class design like you apparently think it is. We already have a ton of melee specs in this game and approximately 100% of them are more interesting and clearly defined than Survival. Having it as a ranged spec allowed us to explore ranged weapon archetypes; you know, the thing only Hunters can do. It makes zero sense to take one of three ranged weapon users just to have a thirteenth melee user. Let us get better depth in ranged weapon gameplay and let’s restore Survival to something that’s actually widely enjoyed and appealing to the Hunter playerbase: return ranged Survival.


I think there are a number of posters like that which makes the whole discussion frustrating. Feel like they are trying to gaslight people in an attempt to justify its continued existence. Often to people who aren’t even asking for it to be removed but rather have something returned.

What I think posters like Urmog don’t realize (or do and just don’t care) by saying things like “you sound like a certain goblin” (in clear reference to you) is that yeah. When you’re going to purposefully antagonize people who are trying to broach this absurd situation by being fair to everyone and insult them constantly, then yes. I’m going to stop caring as much about what they think or feel.

I want a 4th spec because I don’t want people to go through what a lot of hunters went through. But straight up lying to everyone and insulting people trying to be fair and honest is frustrating as hell. I’m at the point I feel like where even though I think a 4th spec is in the best interest of the game’s long term health and for the players, I wouldn’t exactly be crying if MSV were to just be reworked completely again.

If for no other reason that to prove a point about how stupid the original implementation was.


Yeah, Blizzard make this spec ranged again!


Lol what!? I think we all knew it was going to be the opposite with covenants, well everyone but you I guess.

Survival wasnt built around being ranged. Since its inception in vanilla it was loaded with melee skills and melee talents. Survivals roots are in melee.

Its pointless to cry about it. It was never a beloved and greatly played spec compared to the people who played marksman or beast master…which is exactly why it was reverted to its original form when the specs of all classes were made to stand out from each other.

Its been melee focused for years and years at this point. It started as a 40/60 melee/ranged spec to begin with when the game first released.

Let it go.


MoP Survival hunter would like to say hello


2 years out of 17…

Great argument you have there.

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He said it was a trash spec every single patch. So yea great argument I have because 2 years is longer than a patch. So obviously it wasn’t bad every single one. Not sure how SV held up in other patches but we all know it hasn’t been that great ever since they turned it into a scuffed melee class.

but i like my pets

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The Hunter class was absolutely based around being ranged and Survival was a part of that class. It had a ranged weapon and preferred to fight at ranged, as was the basic design of the class. This is evident in both the design and the tuning. Their vision of the class at the time included a minimum range restriction on the range attacks and therefore a melee toolkit; knowing in PvP other players would exploit this weakness it made sense to make a PvP-focused tree that included melee enhancements. This did not mean SV deliberately went into melee range and it certainly didn’t mean Survival abandoned the ranged weapon. This notion that a Hunter spec without a ranged weapon is an accurate representation of Survival’s roots is revisionist and ignorant.

You’ve already been proven wrong on this multiple times and every time you just sweep it under the rug. Survival was provably a popular spec for a 7 year period between WotLK launch and WoD up to 6.2. There were multiple times where it was the most popular spec in the class and even times where it was the most popular spec in the whole game (e.g. Highmaul during January 2015).

You’re either relying on faulty memory or actively lying and pushing a point you know isn’t true. Which is it?

Oh, please. Are you honestly going to pretend that the specs started off different and got more similar over time? How clueless can you be? Go to Classic and look how the Hunter specs different. It’s mostly passive differences with a few utility actives here and there. Then go look up how they differed by MoP and WoD. And I really mean look it up. Don’t rely on your memory because you’ve already demonstrated yours isn’t accurate. At that point they had distinct toolkits and recognizably different themes and identities.

And there you are again pretending modern Survival is representative of old Classic/BC Survival. Laughable.

And it’s been a languishing failure of a spec for years and years. Look at the thread you’re posting in. As I said, people want Survival to be ranged because we remember when it was ranged and it was far better off, despite your attempts to pretend this wasn’t the case.

And it started with a ranged weapon and a full-fledged ranged toolkit.

That’s 2 more years of success than melee Survival has had. Add to that all of Cataclysm and WotLK and half of WoD, and you’re actually looking at about 7 years out of 17. Then remind yourself that 6 of those 17 years were the melee Survival dark age. By WoD the spec was actually more often successful than it wasn’t. Melee is what doomed the spec to niche obscurity forever.

They might never change course, but that doesn’t mean we should all just give up on telling them exactly what they got wrong and how they can fix it. Their stubbornness and vanity is in the wrong, not our desire to make Survival a better spec.