Prejudice against survival hunter

Well it may have been alright for CATA but isn’t CATA one of the worst Expansions in WOW history. Also the Survival spec tree is partially melee centric in classic, SMH.

I played as Survival Hunter during Vanilla I still have the old First Sergeant BG tab on this character. It wasn’t laughed at it was fun to play.

Pew, pew, Raptor strike, wing clip, run, pew, pew is what I remember and its was fun in vanilla especially in world PVP in 1 vs 1 combat.

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Hate to break it to you but Surv went straight range in Cata early on when they removed the required distance gap to use ranged weapons .

Come on you were playing a hunter back then you already know that plus all of the specs could use melee from vanilla on through wrath.

Yeah all it was good for was pvp but Cata - Wod 6.1 it became a raid spec.


It was good during cata - WoD though, not just Cata. And it became more popularized back in Wrath when it got its rework.

I have my original blood guard title. I’d rather discuss on the merits of an argument rather than have some arbitrary appeal to authority or flat out insults like

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I didn’t play during CATA so I can’t really say much there but I came back during the end of MOP and Hunters sucked in my opinion. All three specs seemed the same to me with minor differences.

I couldn’t even play it during WOD because all three specs were just boring, heck the expansion was boring.

Now fast forward to Legion, sh!t Legion was awesome and I couldn’t get enough of playing the Hunter class when I had spare time.

All three specs in my opinion are different and unique from each other.

Come on cup cake don’t let your feelings get in the way of the truth and you know it, that is why some of you are back tracking.

“Well, well, it was good here, remember, REMEMBER” :joy: :rofl: :joy:

Back tracking on what, exactly? My position hasn’t changed buddy lol


So when you say no one played Survival back then , you really don’t know what you are talking about and are just making troll responses instead of actually using any form of merit to make your point then .

To be honest hunters have sucked since Legion especially Surv and I will put Legion up to BfA ( will see how SL turns out ) as the 2 worst expansions Blizz has created.


You just said “A lot of people were playing Survival” and now you saying "Well, it was good during this one time.

Come on man :rofl:

I think he’s also ignored that I’m totally fine with current SV staying around other than it needing buffs a bit more thematic focus. They come across as upset for reasons unknown while being factually incorrect about various things involving the spec.

During one time? I mentioned cata through early WoD. That’s about six years.

Gotta actually read man.


Whatever man, go put your rose tinted Survival Hunter glasses on and cry me a river, its been fun :rofl:

Cool, glad we had this pointless argument.


Funny thing is I’ve been saying the same time period too .

When they got rid of mana and needing to carry ammo for hunters the hunter population went up and a lot of people in that time liked how Surv played .

Plus like he said he didn’t play during that time and has no clue what soever about what he is talking about and is just a troll that maybe we should just ignore.


also cant tell a difference between a mainly stationary burst spec, a bursty mobile pet spec, and a heavy dot proc mobile spec.
cant tell the difference between the rogue specs! they all use daggers and poke fast duder


Ah well that sucks for my Necrolord Survival Hunter. No one wants him. Prolly smells like dead things.

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:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

You guys remind me of someone, a Goblin Hunter :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Survival was already dead before it went necro .

Sorry that was just too easy .

I wish Blizz would show them some love even though I will not play it ( tried in Legion but just couldn’t get into it) but with it being pretty much the least played spec ,I believe it will just be kept in maintenance mode. I would play a 4th spec that resembles the old range version thought.

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You stll here troll ?


sv would benefit a lot from just having stuff baselined

wildfire infusion, steel trap, hi-explosive trap, mongoose bite

basically every row has a talent that if baselined would make the spec more fun

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you obviously didn’t play sv then. It was a great spec. More played sv then than they do now.



This is probably my favourite part of the great SV disaster of 2016. I used to be really mad that my fav hunter spec was removed, but seeing that after 5 years RSV is almost legendary and melee is still a huge meme and unwanted makes me quite happy.


Eh, people did. What kind of annoyed me was how many cool things they gave it with the rework that would have made it super fun as a ranged spec but ruined it by making it melee.

Lots of people just don’t like being melee. It’s a different playstyle in general, not just for hunter. All the cool traps and bombs and whatnot would make a really fun ranged spec IMO, and I’d probably play it some. Like a sapper of sorts.

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