Predicting Outcomes Before the Gates Open

WTF are you on about ? I’ve played thousands and thousands of battlegrounds over the past 16 years. gtfo

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sick dude, me too! you can be 100% braindead and do bg’s. if you could read i mentioned RATED. you have 0 xp. you probably wouldn’t get wrecked so hard if you knew what you were doing.

The problem is the same in both rated and unrated.

Anyway, you do you and enjoy. Clocks ticking


Bring back MoP style gearing and the game will be fixed


Shadow lands pvp gearing system is definitely flawed and we obviously have no control over that. So be prepared to see us eventually in a bg and try your best! BTW we regularly face other geared/experienced players in randoms, why not join their communities? They can help you gear up/learn what do, etc. We have our own community and most members play together.
Anyhow I’d like to continue the push for strand to be brought back into regular rotation or AT LEAST as a brawl please. Strand > Shore #MakePvPGreatAgain #BringBackStrand #StopReportingFranqsReply #YouCantBeThatUpset


what’s your community called?

Killer Instinct (Horde)

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Random bg’s should be for fun. Lots of 60 hr + work week don’t have time to do all this gated stuff… (renown to upgrade honor gear really??) yet here we are. Worst pvp expansion ever and I loved the idea having vendors back.


as an casual player than almost only do randoms i miss legion and bfa bgs, now i do battle pets, gear is good, casuals in bg knew we would face some better geared people but we still face them and bug them, now we casuals are fodder, we mere free kills

Sounds about boring.

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You seem upset? :slight_smile:


You have time to change your mog in your 10 minute bg queue.

we are qing this week for our fans :sunglasses:

If gear was equalized bg’s would be a lot better. Nothing will guarantee that one side doesn’t dominate however it will be less likely and harder to accomplish. Right now every normal bg I do is a stomp fest for one side. I want some more prolonged back and forth (not BfA levels of nobody ever dying but some quality fighting). Just because people enjoy random bg’s it doesn’t mean they don’t deserve a quality PvP gaming experience just as much as high rated arena players (where gear doesn’t matter past 2100 because everyone has the same ilvl).


It’s got to the point where I can barely stomach doing random BGs anymore. First you have to deal with the gear lottery, and then you have to deal with people who do absurd things like triple sit a base at the start of a BG, etc. I did the BG weekly earlier, all I wanted was one good game–and every single one of them were garbage where my team either lost due to gear and poor play, or won due to gear, and one of the ones we won due to gear we should have lost because they were running around like blind people and just happened to be geared enough to compensate for their constant poor rotations and ghosting.

BGs just aren’t fun anymore, and I hate that, because they’re really fun content when teams are equally matched.


change is coming seems bliz has alot of updates for the pvp gap, alts, etc. so play what you can for now & soon (hopefully) patch will be out

They’re doubling down on the gear gap in 9.1.5, adding more ranks of conquest gear. It will only benefit top players. Casuals will be worse off for it.


Instead of a new gear rank every 200 points it will now be every 100 points. How is anyone worse off for that? The top end will remain the same either way, but people pushing in lower brackets will have steady upgrades and sooner.

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It is no better, nor is it worse, except for the very bottom end of honour gear and the very bottom of rated. Once you hit 1500 or so, nothing really changes.

It still leaves unrated players in exactly the same place (26 ilvl gear gap), but does help a little for lower rated players.

It is no where near enough imo.


A very big chunk of the active pvp player base is mainly interested in stomping on and dunking on undergeared players. They rely on a steady diet of casuals to feed on. The casuals feeder NPCs come and go, they are players like myself who resub every now and really want to pvp but end up walking away because they get sick of being the Washington Generals.

You can tell it’s the main reason why they play because of how defensive they get when people talk about taking steps to even the playing field a bit in ANY bracket or format, or prevent max level/twinks from running wild in the lower brackets.

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