I think most people can agree that WoW really earns the subscription in terms of extended gameplay ten times over but I think certain things really go above and beyond just regular time sinks.
The extended time it seems to be each expansion/patch to earn certain things is getting to be a bit insane. If a new player wants to start playing from scratch they must first level to 60 which can take sometime which has really been lowered with heirlooms and such which I really credit blizzard for but for a new player its even longer or they can spend money. After hitting level cap they must grind out renown and with a catch up mechanic its pretty okay but without one its a real grueling task. Next they need to start gearing that again if you have a main an alt is easy to gear which really adds to the time it would take to actually reach the content you want.(Mythic+,PvP, Raids) The hardest part is getting a legendary to actually be able to join a group will take another insane amount of time not to mention the gold they will have to get along with all the torghast they will have to run and even if they cave and buy wow tokens the torghast stuff is still really grindy and with not perfect gear can be painful.
Now for arguments sake lets say they are full geared with legendaries willing to join friends who have been playing the game but the next patch is already coming out and now they have to wait 28 days to get the new legendaries that are basically required to actually do the new content.
I think currently a new player is really unaware of the amount of time they need to spend to currently join the game especially in this current stage of the game and while that may be on a planning side for blizzard it is really not a fun gameplay mechanic for the people that play the game currently and have been playing for a number of years. I think regarding to next patch they SERIOUSLY need to look at removing some timegating to enhance the gameplay experience because as it stands now people will have no reason to start playing again which is a real shame.
The number one reason Ive heard among people who want to play WoW but dont end up actually trying is when they do the research into what they will need to get started and find out how long it would take and give up to me at least that is a extreme failure at least for a game that should want to attract new players and create a unique gaming environment.
I am first and for most interested in crating a dialogue remaining positive. I would like to hear things that I have obviously missed that are time gated negatively towards gameplay from other people