Preach and Asmon are both done

Okay that’s fine. They are content creators and they do not speak for me.

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I used to not be able to deal with Asmongold. I still can’t deal with his chat, they’re infuriating so I just hide the chat window. But, as the years have gone on, Asmongold has gotten much wiser, and even though he won’t admit it, when he goes on his rants, they’re decidedly more and more liberal in tone and content. I think he’s actually growing up.


Well said. I can’t help but constantly feel disrespected as a customer when it comes to WoW- as though the devs resent players like myself.


Where did asmon say he’s done?
I feel like wow devs are ruining the game to project their protest on activision blizzard

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I’m not gonna lie, I feel conflicted about playing the game for the first time in 16 years after everything that has come out. For the first time I regret having a 6 month sub.
I think a lot of people are going to move away from the game over the coming days, weeks and months.
It’s going to take a lot to undo the damage.
Content creators are going to move away from WoW after this. The Blizzard name is tainted right now. You don’t want to poison your own image by association.


Perhaps that has been the plan all along which is why the classic brand has launched like it has?

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I’m not sure if they stream from a hot tub or not. But doing a quick search turned up that one has 334k youtube subscribers and 35k Twitch subscribers and the other has 427k youtube subscribers and 3k Twitch subscribers.

That’s not exactly right. Streamers like Preach and Asmon play(ed) wow because they loved it and it was a great thing once. For the company, they are basically “free promotion”. When these influencers who actually love the game leave…it shows a sign. And its not even them, its madseason too and others are jumping ship. The tipping points for them was systemlands and now this lawsuit.


I don’t consider Preach leaving to be that big. He’s already quit before.


I’m doing the latest stage of the quest line right now. Good lord the amount of absolute time wasting is insane. Fly to one side of the map, ok now fly back to the other side. Why so many unnecessary steps with everything in this game.


A bunch of weirdoes on the internet playing video games all day while begging for money from strangers becoming “influencers” and “content creators” is the marketing play of the century


If you are like me and could not care less about WoW “content creators” (I hate the term.) leaving, there is one thing you have to remember. Preach brought it up and I had to admit it was a good point. Blizzard uses these people as promotional tools for their game. That’s why you always see them get early access before everyone else. Losing these players means that blizzard loses that avenue of promoting the game to a sizable number of people. Even if it doesn’t mean much to us, it will still hurt blizzard.


Oh no! Not the e-grifters! What ever will anyone do without them? :scream:


Who cares?


Yup, glad to see them gone. If they stay gone, otherwise they should prepare to get roasted.


Preach was already done when he got benched and his guild died in CN

Asmongold? Who cares, if that means his entire cesspool of a community goes, HALLELUJAH!!!


It would be interesting to see the age demographic here who states that streamers don’t matter to the health of the game. I am guessing the majority are 40 and up.


Are both terrible and leeches. Thats how it should read.

I’m fine with the game itself but I am going to unsub soon too as well. The whole lawsuit going on of this is all proven true than I cannot support and give money to a company like Blizzard especially when they clearly don’t care about their players as well. Between the sexual harassment and how little they care about their game and players they don’t deserve my money or support. I will be unsubbing soon. If someday they can clean up their act and show they care again maybe I will play again who knows what’s going to happen at this point. Maybe Blizz will sort things out fire all those bad people and put more care into their game and player’s or maybe this truly is the end of the road for Blizz and wow. Only time will tell.


I feel like you are severely underplaying how much trouble the game is in. A lot of people play game’s just because their favorite content creator plays it. It matters a lot in today’s gaming meta. 2 of WoW’s largest content creators claiming to be done with it is a very very bad sign.

People were already leaving the game because of Shadowlands’ lackluster content. For a lot of people that stayed, this lawsuit coming to light pushed them over.