Preach and Asmon are both done

Who the hell decided that random idiots on the internet deserved to become famous because they know how to make a youtube account.

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They will be back, sadly…but these guys could do a whole Twitch/YouTube video of themselves sleeping and still have followers pay to watch them sleep…

Some streamers leaving forever or only temp is nothing new, happens all the time over all games, not just WoW. For every 1 that leaves there will be 2 to take their place.

It has nothing at all to do with this at all. They earn an income from advertising and if the product they are advertising has bad pr they risk losing their income from advertising. Notice they havent quit wow or stopped streaming wow over years of bad gameplay or systems because they were still able to create content about how bad it is.

Blizzard hates any streamer that doesn’t constantly talk about how amazing the game is, even when its not. The new generation of developers can’t take criticism, they just think any complaints are just people being mean so its ignored. Thats why feedback on beta and ptr is rarely ever taken seriously.

Preach said he was told by Ion a lot of the WoW development team doesn’t like him because he criticizes the game. Its just sad.


Hopefully Blizzard realizes this is a bigger issue than the dummies on GD do.

When people are pointing out that content creators are leaving, they aren’t saying they are taking players with them.

The concern is that the content creators are leaving with the players (to chase the money.)


I’m curious what made you start playing the game. Was it a friend who played it, did you see a commercial? Did you see it advertised somewhere? I’d be willing to bet you didn’t just discover the game completely by accident out of the dark. Streamers are just free advertisers for the game. Its literally the same thing, just from a different source. Not sure why the “older” generation can’t seem to grasp that. This is coming from a 27 year old by the way, so I’m old enough to have experienced dial up internet, vhs tapes, floppy disks, etc. Times change.

If back in your day suddenly commercials and advertisements for a game stopped, your friend stopped playing it, etc you’d have been saying the same thing.

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Zack has stated that currently he has no intent to leave WoW. YET.
Its the followers that keep saying he’s leaving

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Most of us “old timers” played this game called Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, and then this game called Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness.
This was followed by playing this game called Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, and then a game called Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne

Each of these titles enriched the lore further and introduced us to a vast majority of the beloved rogues gallery on both sides.

Blizzard followed that up with 3 solid releases for the MMORPG genre before things started taking a dip, with a couple of new peaks, but mostly just crap after MoP

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All of the viewers, Boomer.

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The people that view their videos and like their content. Just like anyone who becomes famous.

Yes, so?

I guarantee they both will do the reaction of 10.0 and say “ one year after . I would like give wow a try …. Just a try “ , if we still have 10.0 /shrug

I saw an article about it on a famous gaming website.

Streamers may be free advertising to you, but they’re not exactly the same. The articles I read are unbias and right to the point. They’re not full of “Well I think…” or “This looks like it’ll be crap” which is not ok.

And no, we wouldn’t have suddenly stopped playing. We had other means of learning about new games. Word can travel more than just some random guy on the internet with a webcam. It may be a form of advertisement but it’s not the only form. Several people do not watch streamers and are clued into things just fine.

I know it sounds rude and it’s not meant to be, but newer age lazy gamers did. Now-a-days, the younger generation want to do the easiest jobs in the world and make top dollar. They want accolades without doing the work. They want a random guy on the internet doing their thinking for them. It’s a new degree of laziness.

To be fair, even older generations may think my generation is lazy. “We didn’t have all these fast cars…”

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Madseason quit over the pay to win and boosts not the law suit.


I don’t know why the content was flagged as “Ignored Content”.

People false-flagging content they disagree with. They know that the flag feature was not designed for that and it’s even against the code of conduct to make false alarms but they do it anyway as a form of “sticking it to me man”.

I don’t care if they are done, I’m not! :smiley:

You’d think there’d still be content for a major patch release that’s only 1 month old :stuck_out_tongue:

Ff14 has more depth than meets the eye, but it throws A LOT at you very quickly in terms of game play and story…wow actually has a much better beginner/leveling feel because its straight forward…ff14 is more linear in reality but it feels more complicated…the depth is there but you do have to work for it to work for you…if that makes sense…