Preach A Conversation w/ Ion... Additional Thoughts

not entirely true, but it’s not even a good point, who cares about this?

I want to expirience all that my class can offer, this system makes it impossible, when the solution to a system is level 4 of the same calss it’s a bad system/implemented badly.

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Ion does, and Ion is right to know that in RPGs players shouldnt be the same because they copied a guide, they should learn to play rpgs the way they are meant to aka make your build and improve it.

Factually inaccurate, affliction warlocks were very strong when Preach made that series.

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What do you think of the idea that instead of cosmetic rewards instead of player power coming from covenants? To me that eliminates all of the problems that the multiple systems are likely to cause, and still offers meaningful rewards.

The cosmetic rewards are enough incentive imho, and also pathfinder. You’re still forced to grind through whatever they have planned for us, and everyone would be free to choose the covenant that has the mount and mog they like best. Instead of only the people who aren’t concerned about min maxing.

Do we really need more borrowed power? My experience with it is a bunch of meaningless random procs that offer nothing to the game other than making it far more complex with no observable benefits, with one button to press that typically does x amount of damage.

nice going around every point I made, actually adress what i write and we’ll have a conversation instead of you monologuing and me answering.

I suspected his test was flawed.

But you will always have a clear answer that the beauty of math and sims we can work it out and if the player didnt bother to do the research into picking the right one then yes they infact did make the wrong choice.

Look at the forums those in the pug world already complain that us so called elitists gate keep them from content when we dont pug anything so what they do doesnt affect us and we dont interact with them because they get declined in mplus or raids because of spec/class/RaidIO ect ect. Well now these players have more reasons to get declined and unlike spec/raidio they cant do anything about it so will always get declined. but hey choice and all

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The Rally Cry of the Why even try to make one’s self better brigade.

This sounds like the mantra of someone who goes why should I try when I can buy my way through .

Whenever like it or not that is how WoW is designed at its core, if you dont like how the game is at its core you should probably not be playing it.

Do you suck up to your boss at work as hard as you do to Ion .

I just want to see if there is any consistency with you.

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stating facts about the game design of WoW and its RPG core is “sucking up to ion” now apparently.

I come from the stand point I am tired of players trying to make everything the same white washed power. Where nothing holds meaning. The game as it gravitates towards that becomes boring and unrewarding. So what your not superman at every little thing you do. At least you have your peaks that you feel better at and everything is not so bland feeling.

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When I stated there isn’t a clear answer, I meant that, covenant A will be better at boss fight A, and covenant B will be better at boss fight B. Each Covenant provides strengths and weaknesses. There will never be a situation where sims will show that a particular covenant will prove best on all boss fights. Blizzard just won’t allow it.

So the covenant that you choose, basically means that on certain fights your character will be optimal, and on other fights they will be sub optimal; and that’s fine. There shouldn’t be an option to ALWAYS have the be optimal for every single fight.

By making it so we CAN switch, then there would be stronger voice to tell people "Hey you NEED to be X on this fight. Where as if covenants are locked, that won’t happen b/c the expectation is, player A may not be best on this particular fight, but he will be best on the next one.

Best of luck to you if you want to try to coral players with the optimal covenants for every single fight. That’s just unrealistic.

Probably because casual players would bore the crap out of Ion. I’ve seen the videos he was making about WOW before he started working for Blizzard, and he already had a good head for the mechanics behind how instances worked. A casual gushing about the customization options would probably put him to sleep. (Personally, I’m honestly surprised he bothered to talk to Bellular when he could have just directed him to one of the writers.)

I think the reason Ion went for Preach is because Mike has a reputation for having a good understanding of how the philosophy behind the game works. They talk shop and the direction they want to see the game move: this makes sense, he’s the game director, that’s what he does. They didn’t talk class balance, storyline, or quests, they went straight for the covenant system and why it is the way it is.

Both of these guys are old-school WOW players, but I feel that Ion is looking ahead to what WOW could be and Preach is looking back to what WOW was. I think both viewpoints carry weight, but honestly, Ion had a lot of good points that I personally disagree with, but in the long term, can only be good for the game as a whole.


They don’t think that at all, lol. If they did then the system wouldn’t be designed the way it is on beta right now.

Why would Ion bother with an interview/discussion with someone who does LFR once every other week over someone who has insight into the game because it’s literally their job to play it?

If Blizzard thought Preach spoke for the whole WoW community then Shadowlands would like nothing like it does now. I don’t even know how you come to that conclusion.

Your argument makes no sense. There will be a 100% right way to play regardless of whether it is easy to switch to or not. You think the elitist boogeymen Ion is trying to scare you with will care that it takes a month of questing to change your Covenant? No, you have the wrong covenant, so you can’t go. Just that simple.

Ion making it harder only hurts you, elitists will do their proper research, or they’ll do what it takes to switch. And if they can’t, they’ll reroll and do it right the second time. There is literally nothing Blizzard can do to stop them and any efforts they expend will only hurt the casuals. This is just like the Personal loot changes that were supposed to slow down the world first race, but in reality just screwed over casual guilds who aren’t able to trade loot they don’t want to their friends and guildies.


So tired of Preach and the likes whining about this. If they just want to raid log why do they care?

Is he even in this “Top 1%” he insists on yammering on about?

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I agree with you wholeheartedly on this point. Whether or not we disagree with his viewpoints on the game is one thing (I personally do as well), but it is undeniable that this open discussion (not just some stupid politically correct interview), and consistent change on the beta (conduits, balance, etc.) shows nothing but promise for the game going forward.

Makes raids easier, solves the problem in one fell swoop.

No it does not. Those players will still look for the competitive edge regardless of content difficulty. Just look at Classic. Those raids require the attention span of a gnat and people who play non-meta classes can’t get into raids to save their lives.