Preach A Conversation w/ Ion... Additional Thoughts

good luck grinding conduits god forbid you wanna do PvP one day instead of PvE…you know…like the majority of players do. Having to redo your abilities and regrind just to play other content that was always accessible since day 1 of WoW feels bad and is stupid.


I forgot about hybrid classes. I guess if you can heal,DPS or tank you are picking one role as the covenant and legendary system are going to severely gimp you.

Too many of these threads all talking about the same thing. My thoughts are basically that I see both points, I’d rather the game have meaningful choices and it seems clear that the game is TELLING you that you can’t specialize in multiple avenues of content anymore, you have to pick one, and that seems to be what people are riled up about since for 15 years they haven’t been told that. It’s like going to college and being allowed to pick any courses you want, maybe working towards several different degrees, and then years later being told that you can’t do that anymore you need to pick one degree and follow it through.

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Ion and the crew just want to appear interested in feedback but hes proven time and again he has a vision and wont change that unless it affects share price. The only thing hes done is created a game covered in sugar and it CAN be addictive but only if you grind, spend currency on subs or tokens to catch up, all of that equates to increased share price and investors don’t want to change that model

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which are already a thing with classes. But now if you want to expirience all that your class has to offer you need 4 charaqcters of that class, this is not good design.


Exactly, the more systems and combos the better the RPG to play around with

You arent meant to have your cake and eat it too

how you extrapolated that out of my answer is kinda amazing, because I honestly don’t see the correlation between what I’ve written and what you have.

People don’t get invited to content right now because they are the wrong class/spec.

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there’s also the balancing part of this, but with this system if I want to play all of my class I now need to level 4 of them, because I would Always miss 3/4 of the spells available to it. It’s not good design.

Which is an imagined fear as Ion said since Preach himself with his fresh account series busted that myth and proved that you still get invites, at worst it takes a few more rejections.

This current game can be addictive? Are you sure? I actually have never heard anyone refer to this game in that way for 3 plus expansions already.

And yet servers on RETAIL are STILL full or medium density …go figure

It isn’t an imagined fear - it happens. Ferals just at the start of this expansion were getting excluded from almost all mythic plus content.


Preach busted that myth, or do you think you are gonna get instantly invited on the first group you join and pretend that any rejection=everyone will reject me wah ;_;

nice, so meta is not a problem because people don’t care, so this war against it has no sense AND locking abilities is not necessary, nice we agree, covenants abilities shouldn’t be locked.

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It still remains a problem since Ion himself noticed that every hunter in high end raids is the same and that shouldnt be happening ;^)

I’m super glad it was a discussion and not some stupid politically correct Q&A. Ion seemed like he was true to his word and meant everything he said, and I did enjoy the back and forth they had.

It’s obvious he sees the game differently than some of us, but it was great to see him have a discussion like a person and not a lawyer. Even though players might still have a problem with Covenants, we can’t discredit Blizzard for having all of this open dialogue with the players. It’s very refreshing.

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I have no idea what you are talking about. This has happened every single expansion. Blizzard actually has at times had to adjust the game so certain classes/spec weren’t automatically just kicked out of a dungeon right after zoning in.

it’s not tho, because hunter’s in the high end will be the same even with this system.

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If it is anything but world first, its a problem cuz non world first players dont need to be the same

Hell you see that in heroic raids even