Preach A Conversation w/ Ion... Additional Thoughts

The issue is we have yet to see an broken skips in shadowlands dungeons.
Venthyr is overhyped cuz a tryhard said “you must be trolling not to pick venthyr” and the meta slaves took it to heart and non stop repeat it.

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I dont yet I do most content people would consider serious.

You can play the game however you’d like to play the game. That’s the beauty of online games. However, just because you have a particular play style does not meant thats majority of players.

Rpg elements are rpg elements whenever online or not, the game has core rpg design which means " YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD AT EVERYTHING, YOU HAVE STRENGHTS AND WEAKNESSES "

This is just blatantly not true. Single player RPGs have different game design than online RPGs. Optimization is a major part of all MMORPGs. Suggesting otherwise is just a flat lie. Optimization is horizontal progression and happens at max level in all MMOs.

Also, even if the abilities were not tied to covenants, the covenants would still have strengths and weaknesses. This point means nothing. Your caps lock means nothing.


Ion clearly pointed out the “I want to have everything and be optimal at everything” is not a valid way of playing.
You build a character, gravitate towards a build and try to improve it instead of copying icy veins.


Ion clearly pointed out the “I want to have everything and be optimal at everything” is not a valid way of playing.

Just quoting myself here:

Also, even if the abilities were not tied to covenants, the covenants would still have strengths and weaknesses.

So you pay $15 per month to play only part of the game, while being punished for playing other parts?

Looking forward to covenants and how they will change the game tbh. Imo, it’s a great thing that choices will be fixed. Choose wisely.

No, I just recognize the argument that a skip-based mechanic is overwhelmingly powerful. It’s niche, but it’s powerful. Night Fae or Necrolord are going to be far more consistent use abilities that are nice emergency buttons, but will probably never be crazy good and for the top end players who are mostly concerned with pushing crazy M+ times or raid progression would rather have the crazy strong niche ability that makes or break it for them than a consistent oh snap button.

And people in WoW are generally sheep that will follow the top end players so it’s a trickle down effect.

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Video games are literally you agreeing to play by a game’s rules.

And the game’s rules is you dont get to be good at everything.

I agree to that any time I play any rpgs

Can I just say that it’s kinda funny seeing Ralph, religiously being flagged to oblivion on almost every reply he makes. Maybe I’m just weird (lol).

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Could you imagine if there was a actual working ignore function on forms he would be talking to 10’s of people


Outside of mythic raiding I don’t see that this will be a huge deal. For us normal and heroic raiders the safest bet is to go with the M+ meta. For those that don’t do group content outside of lfr it doesn’t matter. RP to your hearts content.

He is he literally ignores everyone who dares to disagree with him I’ve offered to get him his last 15s done and help him out multiple times. Considering he’s admitted to buying carries before I’m fairly sure he would jump at it if I wasn’t on ignore.


Guess you never want to pvp :stuck_out_tongue:

It is pretty funny, it shows that if you go against the norm and wannabe elitists you will get an almost religious group of haters but I am used to it, living rent free in their head it seems xd

There is, if you go to a profile you click a box on the top right that says normal and choose ignore and then choose forever and then you never see such people again : D

Sorry I forgot about PvP. My bad. I would group you guys in with the mythic raiders where this is going to be a problem.

what? lol

OR maybe tons of people agree with Preach and other streamers because they are right. You act like Blizzard hasnt done a crap load of wrong in the past decade. Are you new to this game?


Exactly this… streamers are like Zack Snyder. They get a small, vocal minority of followers that agree with their crap ideas and treat them like a god and it empowers them to think they’re right. No one wants to see the Snyder cut, the DCEU is just plain garbage. We all saw how you fixed BvS with your “ultimate” edition and it still sucked.

and what about the people who do all 3 :frowning:


I can’t help but feel we are getting a hard push into this for Shadowlands. Just so many things scream single player to me.

I tried begging with them several times to make Torghast more group friendly. I don’t know if it will happen. That’s not discouraging solo competitive play. Appeal to that audience too.

I just was saying adding an extra incentive to do this content with others would most definitely help. They already know the data from Visions. I barely seen any groups posted. It also costed currency to participate tho and I was strongly against that happening to Torghast.

I listened to a majority of the interview. You can tell these two guys know each other. Preach had some hard hitting questions and the interview didn’t seem as fluff. Compared to others. I started tuning out when it seemed like Preach started caring more for his own voice than actually interviewing tho. Almost 5-10mins of him trying to stress something. I understand it was important, but you should let your guest actually try and get a word in from time to time. That’s just a nitpick. Preach did overall very good like I said and not as sugarcoated which I am appreciative of.

I will make the attempt to try and finish off listening to it. Still a majority of it is what the fanbase has been discussing/worrying about for quite sometime now. I don’t want to digress into systems again and “choices”.