Pre-patch gear gone from Warbank?

So right after TWW launch, I headed to my Warbank and found out all the gear I got from the pre-patch was gone!

The slots were empty… what is the meaning of this?! why did I even bother gathering some stuff and saving them for future toons then?


Same, everything in two Warbank Tabs gone! I did the same, leveled two toons put extra gear and gear I bought in the back for alts. But the extra gear I have in my bags is still there? What’s going on Blizzard? Did I miss something? I did not see anything that said you need to equip before TWW patch goes live for all.


My stuff was in my Warbank around half hour ago, I had to put a ton of mats in. I can’t check now as servers just broke.


Got back in game, my Warbank is exactly how I left it. All Radiant Echoes gear is there and still Warbound until equipped.

Could have been wonky as Servers were about to crash? Fingers crossed that’s what it was and your stuff is back.

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Hopefully it comes back.
I saved 4 sets, one for each armor type, to toss on the next four alts after I’m done the first four, but I was undecided which four that would be. Not the end of the world but will be a bummer if they don’t fix it.


This is a known issue.

Edit: I’m ticked about it, too, but I have some hope for restoration.

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Yes, so many BOE items missing from Warbank!

Yeah. I have over 300,000 of radiant shard gear stored in warbank. (2 sets of each armor type plus weapons) and they are ALL GONE. Random BOE items are gone too.

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I lost two tabs of assorted gear (yep, I had nothing else to do) so I’d be prepared for anything down the line. Have some expensive empty tabs now.

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