Pre-Patch Event Kill Quests

Did they not reset for anyone else? I thought it was daily now?

Do you mean theyre not there for you at all?
Or do you mean on your alts.

Because theyre once a day per account.
If youve done it today on any character, the quest is done for all of your characters.


I only have one character I am doing it on, for some reason it reset at 11:06 AM ET instead of 11:00 AM ET. I got the quests now, that is strange though.

Then this is a serious nerf, not an improvement in the slightest.


Boss kills went from 500 to 1400


Incorrect. You’re getting 1500 currency from every single boss kill now. Two hours net me over 30k on one character last night after the changes.


If you did the event quest on one character. You will not be able to do it on another. Only one character gets to do the daily quest. The rest just have to grind and wait for the boss to spawn. Have a nice day! The complainers made the event worse by whining and getting their way!

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Keep in mind the daily reset is 8 am Pacific, too.

Plus, the event resets in the zone after the boss kill, so it keeps going over and over for the full hour in that zone, so you no longer need to be there right at the start.

In just about 1 1/2 hours, you can do all three: towards the end of the first hour in one zone, then after the top of the hour in the next zone and then take a 45 min break or so and do the third one at the top of the next hour. Or spend those 45 mins in the second zone farming, some folks have been doing that, too.

This is a lot better than having to log in every 1 1/2 hours for three times as it was originally.

/moo :cow:


Who knew that going from 5k currency per character a week… to 30k in two hours was making it worse…


With all the changes made to the event, its overall a massive improvement.

The event boss essentially now has the original weekly quest built in to it.
So you get 1400 memories, flight stones, and crests.
And the boss can now be killed multiple times per hour.

The daily quest gives 3000 memories, so 9000 a day.
With the original weekly quest system, to get 9000 memories via the quest, it would have taken 6 events. At 1.5 hours a piece, thats 7 and a half hours of waiting around.

The new version is so so much better.


You have to grind to get than 30k? I got 5k across 50 chacaracter. Do the math! Plus I got far more loot from the boss on every character. That is not happening now! Have a nice day. The whiners did not improve the event. They made it so their lazy butts did not need to work for something.

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How is it possible that it’s more grindy yet now lazy people don’t have to do anything? Both can’t be true, lol. :woman_facepalming:

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They doubled the reward though so it comes out better unless you were doing more than 6 events a day. Which would have been spread over 9 hours while this would only be spread over 3 hours.

I get the quest part, but do bosses only drop one time a day, per alt or per account?

2hrs of killing mobs for 30k currency, and how many hours did you spend working on those 50 alts to get the weeklies done? Do the math!

Making the event actually playable, instead of an AFK queue is not a nerf.

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Outside of the quest, bosses just keep dropping stuff in general.
No caps or limits. Each boss kill gives 1400 memories, crests, flightstones, and potential for gear.
You can farm the event as much as you want.

You can get quite a lot from farming the event.

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So i just killed a main boss, and it dropped nothing for me, no currency either. I had killed i on another alt just before. I wonder why?

It was a major improvement.

Instead of getting 4.5k over a period of 4.5hrs, you now get 9k over a period of 3k hours. That’s not including the significantly increased event and boss memory credits.

Significantly reduced the amount of required time to get mounts and gear/pets/etc.

Grats. It changed.

Event’s better for people who have something to do other than sit on the game throughout the entire day afking portal events.

Sorry you can’t grind yourself into exhaustion I guess?


Grinding mobs takes no skill. Both statements are two different statements. You are trying to change their context. The first talks about one character completing the daily quest and the rest of the alts needing to grind until the boss is spawned. The second sentence refers to the people who whined enough to turn the event into nothing more than a grind. Enough clarity for you! Have a nice day!

Is it possible it didnt recognise the objective?

Ive not had it happen with a boss, but ive had the game not recognise i was at the mini event tasks and so gave me nothing when it completed.

I noticed that if it doesnt show the objective in your quest log for some reason, you need to leave the area and come back or else no credit.

Might apply to bosses too

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