PRE KICKING 2024 solo q rbg cry threads

Solo RBGs will absolutely be a hot flaming dumpster fire, and this is coming from someone who actually likes RBG

And you get to respawn at a graveyard when you die. Pretty much the same exact thing!

What’s funny is that the top of the solo rated BG ladder which takes competition seriously is going to absolutely hate it for a lot of the issues in the original post but the bottom of the ladder is going to absolutely love it because it gives them a way to avoid five man premade groups in random BGs.

I’d rather WOW build unique maps for 5v5-7v7 players. Bg maps weren’t designed for it.

Objective-focused game modes are fun. Much more fun than team death match, imo. But when you feel like there’s too much beyond your control in a match, earning rating feels like luck.

Mostly right. The real attraction here is casual players won’t be gatekept by their rating, achievements, or specs. They won’t be forced into YOLOs if they want to earn rated rewards from casual BGs.

Meanwhile the 3 actual RBG teams in existence will be stuck qing into each other.

Blood Chads rise up.


Pre kicked

Ok who’s next ?


Ok next:


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Basically PVP player makes generic thread prekicking the generic complaints from generic players in a generic game mode.

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I didnt complain about a lack of agency. Reading comprehension on the other hand…

Edit: andthe thread is in the wrong forums. Wow. Nothing like complaining about complainers when you’re the problem.

surprised theres not a post about casuals keeping them at low bg blitz rating

Ya, it’s incredible how hard it is for the average person to just admit something wasn’t their fault XD

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Mistakes were made but not by me.


BGB is so bad. Blizzard shouldn’t even try to make it better because it’s fundamentally bad given the play style of modern competitive PvP in WoW.