Pre-Expansion Content Update - Common Issues

It doesn’t even appear the issue with currency’s are being tracked on the common issues page or its not even being acknowledged anywhere. Internally I’ve had a ticket open since Wednesday and a GM just gave me a typical copy paste create a bug report and attempted to close it but I reopened the ticket with supporting evidence of a issue with transfer. I cant post the giant reddit thread of people having this issue. I worked a lot for some of those currency’s and getting a cold shoulder from GM’s doesn’t help. You can review ticket US100048632Status to see all supporting evidence of the issue and also the cross links to the bug reports and reddit thread showing people having issues.

The forums ain’t a bypass to the ticket system, much less when it’s dealing with something like currency. If you think something is bug, the bug report forum is the place. GMs and the blue posters here are unable to handle reports.


The common issues are primarily the ones we’re seeing the highest contacts for. It doesn’t list every single one. If you don’t see if there, or in the Known Issues thread, which was posted in the Bug Report forum, then be sure to submit a bug report.


It baffles me everytime people choose to submit a GM ticket when they can submit a bug report directly to the team responsible for bugfixing.


This isn’t the first time I’ve had to have CS get involved to restore something a GM refused todo. CS has the power to nudge a ticket based on my previous posts in CS and considering the gravity of one of the currency’s that got wiped out and the time taken for it I believe it warrants a nudge.

Its not there job if they did its a extreme exception where they had to send it up for further review but at the end of the day GM would love to grant every request but there hands are tied by what the dev let them. In this case theres nothing the blues can do.

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See my last post, With the rarity and time of this specific currency it warrants further review. Good glad we can agree that CS can do something.

But in this case they wont because its already being worked on. if they did it to you they would have to do it for 1000 of players what makes u special.

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Like I get it, At least acknowledge it! They can acknowledge lost achievement progress but cant acknowledge several currency’s being zero’d out? That’s all I’m asking and all the other people are asking for. THAT IS ALL! We don’t want the feeling of it just being brushed under the rug like some of the other bug reports that get reported. Some currency’s take a year to get even till this day for old expansions…

I feel like this is a very over-simplified claim of events as the SFAs have said in their own words numerous times in the past several years alone that they do not have that ability.

The only time I’ve seen any of them intervene is simply to recategorize a ticket that was submitted under the generic “not listed here” option, but all that does is get it into the correct category for the issue they are having, it doesn’t bump it up the queue ahead of others also looking for help.

That is correct. One of those things has been verified as an issue detected by the QA team, with or without players reporting in the aptly-named Bug Report forum.

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Believe what u want but the blues arent gona help in this case most they will say is that the dev are aware and working on a fix you just need to be patient young grasshopper if i had to guess its probably related to the currency issue. Demanding to have a issue accelerated isnt helping.


Im not saying accelerate the issue, Just acknowledge it.