Pre-1.10 Alterac Valley

How do they mean nothing to Vanilla? When a private server recreated “turtle” AV, you saw turtling for one weekend before everyone got over it and went back to traditional rushing.

See above and reread.

Repeat as necessary.


How about you tell me how a private server’s faithful recreation of turtle AV won’t be the same as retail one? What differences do you see happening?

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Summon Ivus!!

Original AV was EPIC. Full stop.

I thought warfronts were going to be like AV, I was so stoked, after all the formula is there already. Alas, AV was not replicated, or even attempted apparently.

Looking forward to summoning wind riders and such again…


The raid numbers are off, what makes you think ANYTHING ELSE is 100%?


Yeah, the boss healths are increased to make the raids “more difficult” or whatever. Big deal. P.S. the mines on those servers also exploded for more than they did back in the day, the mine layer respawned quicker, and laid mines more frequently.

What makes you think that it isn’t player behavior driving how Alterac Valleys progress and what makes you think that those same players populating those servers won’t be the same as those populating classic realms?

Is this a joke? Cause it seems like you’re implying the people who play Retail, will be the same as the people playing Classic. If that were true, why would those people even play Classic?


There is a video on warcraft movies of a 15 minute Alterac Valley zerg kill in patch 1.8.

Another zerg was 3 minutes and 40 seconds on 10-31-2006 but I’m too lazy to look up which patch happened during that time.

34 minute AV PuG group on 8-17-2005

Basically the moral of the story is that day long AV can be avoided, and no matter what version of the game you release, the best players are going to make quick work of it.

I couldn’t find anything from back in 1.6, but it doesn’t really matter. There is always a way to do things quickly. Hardcore players always figure it out. Every casual player has hardcore players to thank for providing the strategies necessary to kill bosses in instances. The same will be true in whatever version of AV we get, when the strategies necessary for 12 minute games come to light.


Actually referencing private servers. Unsure how you thought I was referencing retail.

I feel like I have been here before…

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Because there were more NPCs that hit harder, which means it’s much less likely that zergs will be successful.


No, it didn’t. If you had actually played in AV during both periods you would know that. Nerfing and removing the majorilty of speed bumps allowed much of the existing PvP to pass each other by and be avoided.

AV began as a roller derby that players like yourself convinced blizzard to transform it into a sprint.


I’m glad people are talking about this. I just want someone at Blizzard to see this and be aware of the demand for pre-1.10 Alterac Valley.


We cannot even get acknowledgement of our desire for the earlier versions.


Didn’t blizzard say 1.12 was the version they were going with?

no. they said 1.12 was being used as the base game. let me highlight some non strict 1.12 things they have confirmed.

  1. staggered content release (if it was strict 1.12 everything would be available at launch).
  2. expensive mounts and cheap training (late vanilla had cheap mounts, expensive training).

Yeah… and some of the other none 1.12 things…

Loot trading
Bnet integration
Right click report

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i was talking about ACTUAL CONTENT.


Those all impact content.

And time gating release of content has nothing to do with actual content.

loot trading i would give you. but the other two do not impact content.
notice no one asked for loot trading. blizzard just added it so they didn’t have to deal with tickets.
time gating is the release of content. again. if it was static 1.12 we would have all of that content available at launch. we do not.

so no. as you repeatedly try to make us believe. we are not getting a pure 1.12 and thus what version we get of av is something many of us would like to know. yes, most of us expect that we are going to get whatever version was in 1.12, but that is not what we want

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