Pray For The People Of Turkiye And Syria

Are you aware of U.S. history?

Christians have been hammering everyone else for a long long time. And you’re wondering why there was an eventual blowback in higher education?

Seriously we had under God added to the pledge of allegiance in the 50’s. We still haven’t changed that back.

Noone said anything about Christianity specifically. As I understand it, praying is a pretty popular religious ceremony, not just Christians.

Doesn’t matter who it is though. It only accomplishes making the prayer feel as though they did something to help and alleviates their personal feelings of empathy. Asking people to join in that is gross.

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Not really the praying type personally but it’s infinitely less cringe to offer prayers or hope than it is to come stomping in and raging about people offering prayers or hope because you were raised to be vehemently antitheist.


And it was written by a socialist which I find funny

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Actually I was raised Catholic. Was an altar boy until confirmation.

I’ve read the bible, I’ve done the functions, I’ve seen just how worthless all these things are and how much of a crutch and bandaid they play daily for people partaking in them.

And I’ve witnessed the feel good vibes of religion completely crap on anything that doesn’t get in line with their religion.

It’s an archaic system setup to project virtue of the members with the minimum investment (prayer = next to none).

But you all can keep assuming and attacking with zealous rage and righteousness because I guess that’s all forgiven in your religion.

Huh… that is funny because I thought Bandaids and crutches were good things. You need a hug or some sugar because man you are just to uptight and salty. There is nothing wrong with people wishing to intercede for others to a higher power they think is real. It is not your place to tell them they are wrong.

Get over yourself.




ohhhh, but they get lots of likes.


Thank heavens for natural disasters.

Then all the Edgelords can use it to let you know what terrible human beings they are.

I truly dislike the lot of you.

NO ONE cares how you feel about religion. Jam it where the sun don’t shine.

As for the victims going through a very tough time, I wish them nothing but the best.


When people are dying and facing the end of their lives they are praying out of desperation because they aren’t ready to die. It’s not because they’ve figured something out.

But it’s even more than that. Long term care facilities, hospices, hospital rooms are depressing and lonely. They actually mess with your mind. It’s why a dying person will call you in the middle of the night and claim the nurse stole money.

And there’s more as cancer spreads it impacts things like brain function. You’ll see things, you’ll start talking like a child, you’ll see dead relatives… your body isn’t clearing toxins and that impacts how you think. You’ll get angry or sad out of the blue.

And we’re not done. Due to all the mental issues it’s hard for family to be around you. Doctors will avoid you. Nurses will avoid you. Some doctors will avoid even giving you a second opinion as to not hurt their numbers. They are more concerned with you signing a DNR than doing anything to help you. They’ll harass relatived about you signing a DNR. It’s so damn cold.

So yeah people are going to pray. What else are they going to do? Watch more jeopardy reruns in a room with no AC and no internet access?

Figures there would be trolls in here. Typical.

What happened was horrific and devastating. Nobody cares about your views on religion because someone said “Thoughts and Prayers”

Disgusting behavior.
Have some sympathy.


Personally, I feel doing so is selfish as the only outcome is the prayer feels better about it. That’s literally the only tangible outcome. There is nothing more selfish than that sort of outcome.

Granted, If someone wants to act that way, that’s their choice, but if you put it up on public forum and ask others to join you, then you cannot expect people that find it wrong and gross to not respond.

Keep it to yourself, or accept that people that disagree will disagree.

Name calling and personal attacks have all been from the religious side in here on this convo. That speaks volumes about you all. So much for love and good vibes amirite?

And apparently the people in this thread… sad.

“Thoughts and prayers” are just religious people virtue signaling. Skin deep empathy.

They’ll go off on the NFL for breast cancer awareness or a company doing a pride commercial, “it’s just virtue signalling”.

But them saying “thoughts and prayers”… that truly means something. I’m a confirmed catholic. You can see how true a religious person’s values are in the parking lot after a service.

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How adorable.

This entire thread is an attack of the religious, and you still claim victim status? Poor you!

Your gaslighting skills are S Tier. Too bad your humanity isn’t.


Noone said “thoughts and prayers”. The op asked people to join them in praying. Way different.

May Allah be with them.


Then don’t.

But why stop there when you can attack religion as a whole, as well as those “dumb” enough to have faith?

The fact you immediately get irate when people ask for prayer says a lot about you.


I do not agree.

To speak positively (even in vain) expresses our humanity (or our HOPE in humanity). It is an expression, that will vary, dependent upon our personal value system and/or our faith. It may be religious, or something else entirely. The intent is to draw people together to take note of what is happening and, hopefully, to also inform people, who would like to do more, to do so.

To speak hatred in vain shouts disrespect and creates divisiveness and ill will toward those you address needlessly, since there is nothing positive that can come out of it but more anger and hatred and division.

There are so many different opinions on these forums and to attack someone with such anger over their belief in prayer says far more about the attacker than it does the one who is being attacked…and it IS an attack when it is expressed with such disrespect and hatred toward the beliefs of others.

There are many things said on these forums that I do not believe, but I would never think that it is my place to rip someone over what they believe knowing that it can only breed more hatred and anger. It is a form of “cancel” that tells people that if they do not believe as I do, they need to just “shut up”.

Cancel culture is very real and growing. It is snuffing out tolerance and acceptance of differing ideas and beliefs even here on the WoW forums.
It is incredibly toxic and this thread is a perfect example of that.

I rarely contribute here any more. I have been here for 16 years and used to be very involved in conversations here. I do so only sparingly anymore. It is not a very friendly place anymore, tolerance is barely seen (about anything) and there are those who love nothing more than to get their teeth into someone who DARES to think, or believe differently than they do.

So, I have expressed how I feel and expect it may stir up those who can’t understand the importance of tolerance toward even those that we disagree with. I won’t argue with you. I could do so all day and some people just will not stop defending their right to speak “hatred in vain”. It is pointless.

I know what I believe and the hate expressed will not change that. Hate rarely ever convinces anyone that you are right, it just makes people angry, or forces them to feel that they must “shut up”, which is what some people really want so they can pat themselves on the back and feel like they won something. When you have to use anger and attacks to beat down the beliefs of someone else, you have already lost and can’t even see it.

Even this post may get “reported”, but since I don’t come her much anymore anyway, it really doesn’t matter. I won’t even notice.

For those who have tried to speak out about respecting others, even when we disagree, thanks for trying. I’m not sure that we are not so far over the cliff, at this point, that things cannot be “unwound”.

Blizzard, obviously, has no interest in stepping in to actually try to moderate forums to keep them civil anymore. I am nearly at the point of looking elsewhere for entertainment. Too much “woke” is having a negative impact on the game as well as the forums these days. I enjoyed a great number of years here, but the last few…not so much.

My best to everyone who still has hope that things will change for the better, both inside the game and here. This forum is more for baiting people than it is for sharing game info these days. It would be really great if that changed.

Please forgive my many words. Some things don’t change :slightly_smiling_face:


Virtue signaling and pushing religion is gross.

I’m guessing I’m nowhere near alone in this as the topic has been flagged.

If you push religion and people push back saying no, that is not bashin your religion and taking to personal attacks over it is nowhere near reasonable behavior.

We get it, it’s important to you. So important that you’ll trash anyone who disagrees. That’s cool. Just makes people disagree more and shows the true colors of your troupe.

I didn’t start the thread. I reacted to it, as everyone in gd has a right to. You don’t like my reaction so you call me names, attack me, and pretend it’s ok because I disagrees with your thoughts on religion.

You don’t want people to disagree with you, keep it to yourself. Certainly don’t ask people to join you on gd.

(Don’t forget to confess your anger and hatred toward ol’ wakensteak next Sunday so you can feel forgiven and all is well.

Edit:. Realized the super bowl is this weekend so church attendance may be lacking. No worries, just confess the next Sunday, then you can feel better without missing out on the big game