Pray For The People Of Turkiye And Syria

Turkey is 99% Muslim Faith

Actually the request is valid

and any MUSLIM player right now feels good knowing someone cares.

People think logically not spiritually anymore because it doesn’t really do anything. It’s a way to play like you did something to make yourself feel good. People in disasters need action, not spewed sympathy.

Cold hard truth isn’t always nice to hear
but it’s still true.

I do hope those who were hurt are helped quickly and I feel for those who have lost loved ones. It’s a horrible tragedy.

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Woww smdh, you nerds are awfully racist and ignorant. So many things wrong with a lot of the responses here. Shame on you all.

  1. You don’t have to believe in God/a god to pray for someone. Praying can also be sending positive energy their way.
  2. If someone else believes in God/a god, then respect their beliefs. Respect should be mutual.
  3. Don’t assume someone isn’t doing anything else if they’re asking for your prayers. Not everyone publicizes their charity work (myself for example).
  4. For those crying about “they don’t respect my faith”, gt*o. Almost half of Turkey consists of Christians as well.

I’ll say it again, shame on you all.

OP, they have my prayers.


They reach out by praying because that is how they handle a situation. If you want to show empathy towards them by helping donate, like I’ll be doing shortly (I’m already looking up links) then by all means go for it.

Otherwise you’re being massively negative in a situation that doesn’t call for it.

Well put ty Mid


Prayers are for the weak, sacrificial goats is what’s needed.


Im not the biggest fan of religion either but it’s important to practice tolerance. OP didn’t mean anything by it and didn’t even mention a specific religion. Don’t act like you’re from R/Athiesm.


Will a chicken do?

If I meet someone that believes they are the king of the world should I bow to them because they believe it?

No. They obviously are not all there.

First few responses are disgusting, there is nothing wrong with hoping for the safety of others.


Anyways They have my Prayers my Sympathy my Concerns.

If they need AID ill donate

Being a good Human is good for the world.

Good Day!


Many offensive posts in this thread alone. Complete lack of respect by people here. Some people seem to think the rules don’t apply to them.


YOu know you didn’t have come in and make a comment about what the title of the thread was .

But you did and only did so to stir the pot . I doubt you actually cared that the OP used Pray in the title , you just saw it and went " oh boy I think I’ll go in there and have a little fun and troll the thread"

That is my personal opinion

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your an orc - u need all the help you can get :slight_smile:

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Only if you’re trying to summon Ultra Mega Chicken.

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Also currently looking at donation avenues.

But you dont see me on here pretending anyone that doesn’t donate doesn’t care or is a bad person such as you see here by the zealots.

Talk about backward arguments. Don’t push your religion, I won’t push back. Easy peasy

Sure, I hope that they fare well and things work out for them.

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For anyone interested in providing some aid


For those of you in the know, if you google “earthquake turkey relief fund” there are already donation drives being set up over there in order to help the folks over there.

TY Keiy

I’m done talking to you. You’re a negative person that has brought nothing of use into the thread.


OP: Please pray for [insert person/people here].

Most Responses: Your presentation of goodwill offends me because it comes across as fake because of my personal belief in the irrelevance of prayer. Patting yourself on the back for feeling good toward people in need doesn’t actually provide them what they need.

Some Responses: Prayer is real. Good vibes are good. Angels listen.

Some Other Responses: This was a HAARP sting operation due to Turkey’s unwillingness to bend to the global Cabal. Down with the deep state! #frogs #q

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Ok, that’s cool. But it’s way off.

I find the op’s suggestion that we should pray to be gross. Like really gross. They may not have meant it that way, but that’s how it was received.