Potential New inclusivity update

But honestly, steak is my favorite.

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I mean there are a fair few species of things where the females are significantly larger, so itā€™d make sense if it happened in wow

In my mind anyway (hopefully) theyā€™re adding the ground works to add more body types in the game for base races cuz dracthyr have multiple to choose from (4?) so my guess is thats why its just 1/2 atm

Cuz lets say trolls are eventually given the forest troll body type as well, the big muscular one, be easier to just keep stuff in numbers instead of like male/female/jacked or something


More options are always good. Not everyone will use them, and thatā€™s ok. The ones that want to will be happy.

All my UD toons are male and Iā€™m female irl and it would have always been cool to be known as she/her on them. Now, I canā€™t wait to make my male Tauren Rogue with a female voice and be she/her!

Of all the unnecessary things, this is the most unnecessary of things.


you are so unbelievably mad at a change that you can just straight up ignore and it wouldnā€™t affect you at all, thatā€™s so crazy


So I wonder if the different facial options are locked to a specific body type? Could I create a character with a male looking face and a big manly beard but have a female body with breasts? If so, the possibilities could be endless and hilarious.

male isnā€™t a pronoun?

Are you? You realize youā€™re playing an mmorpg, which requires a lot of features that arenā€™t just gameplay? Go play league of legends if you just want a combat simulator. Your awful personality is fitting for the game.


I am pretty sure its code for ā€œSatan.ā€


I want buff / stout lady options.

New World and Elden Ring both refer to it as ā€œbody types.ā€

Cyberpunk I think still had Male/Female (maybe not, I donā€™t really remember) but let you have . . . uh . . . whatever genitalia you wanted.

Should probably look up what a pronoun is cuz male and female have been under the definition of pronoun forever basically

If there gonna give body options at the very elasy make them actual body options.

notā€¦a choice between male or female and just calling them body 1 body 2


And Iā€™m the dumb one.

Feel like Iā€™m 'boutta have an aneurysm.


Itā€™s hilarious how angry people are about change.
Itā€™ll be fine.
Youā€™ll be fine.
God forbid we try to move away from exclusionary things, ever.

male and female are not pronouns

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See Im hoping the 1/2 are just kind of the ground works for expanding it for all races cuz dracthyr have the 4 bodytypes in dragon form

So hopefully other races will get more options as well eventually, which is why 1/2 makes more sense than keeping it like masculine/feminine or whatever

They really are


Iā€™m down for the changes and Iā€™m not sure if this will remain also but if youā€™re going to be inclusive ā€œmaleā€ and ā€œfemaleā€ are still apart of that inclusivity. I have no issues with anyone being or doing whatever they want but Iā€™m not too keen on seeing ā€œBody 1ā€ and ā€œBody 2ā€ so the inclusivity becomes erase the majority.


Isnā€™t male and female genders and the pronouns would be he/she/they/them?

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I canā€™t wait to make people mad by calling them male or female because their character is either a male or a female.