With the new fresh classic already launching with #somechanges (PvP ranking system, Chronoboons, etc), what are your thoughts on other potential changes that would make sense to both keep the spirit of classic alive, but also add some freshness and quality of life to the game? For me it would be a few of the following with reasons below:
40yd name plate range
Seems like a limitation for no reason
Proper enemy cast bars
We already use addons to simulate this, might as well build it into the game
Built in debuff timers
See above
Target Health/Mana Values (Edit: Added after initial post)
See above
Removal of “Batching”
This could be controversial, but as a healer in classic (both original and 2019) nothing was worse than a good ol’ batch failure
Black lotus from regular herbs chance
Avoids the black lotus mafia issues
Debuff/Buff limit removal
Allows for 1-2 niche classes to not hamper the raid to the point of being a detriment while also letting a few classes keep up just that bit better with warriors in the end game (hunter’s mark, warlock corruption, shadow priest debuffs, etc)
Allows druids and priests to actually HoT tanks and removes that friction where people might lose a worldbuff because of this
Thoughts? Arguments? Other ideas? I don’t necessarily want proper balance changes… yet, although I think some of the changes in SoD could be migrated to a proper Classic+ server with some of those changes built in (I dislike the “rune” system personally).
I’m not a fan of dual spec, I think it’s just a step too far.
I am definitely in favor of reducing the respec cost so players are more able to change specs, especially for healers or tanks to be able to farm or solo without going broke.
Yeah respec costs for sure can be bad for healers, I also do not support dual spec, feels like too big of a change with lots of potential unforeseen side effects, and would be more suited for something like a proper classic+ where the game is balanced around it.
While I would like raids to be more difficult, for this release, I don’t think this would be healthy for the game and would detract from the spirit of classic too much.
IDK, this feels like adding a bit much, but it doesn’t truly interact with the gameplay loop so its probably fine. I personally wouldn’t care one way or the other.
druids being able to rez and/or rejuvenation players freely. Since u can only have 1 rejuv active at a time, no matter how many druids. Rejuv shouldnt be able to push ur main buffs off because of buff slot limits, thats kinda lame.
I mostly just care about the debuff limit being removed. I mean there’s absolutely no reason not to do it when you’re going to have that be a thing in hardcore fresh which is mirroring the same progression that we will get on the anniversary servers. If I had another suggestion it would be to put a cap on the gold amount that it costs to respec if dual spec is a bridge too far.
Wow you are a literal genius. Well after spending hundreds of hours on a character you might want to change your look a bit and should have the option. It’s not that deep. Every other mmo has that option even OSRS.