Potential 10.1.7 Mistweaver Changes

Obviously you should play around them, but I’m saying you don’t have to as Paladin. Also putting a RoP in the middle of a mob pack isn’t super smart in most cases

Yea that seems to be the biggest gripe about it for a lot of people so I came up with this idea.

It obviously has tradeoffs which make it balanced. You probably wouldn’t want it for raids but M+ could be a great talent that does a burst AoE heal with crit scaling for flavor — healing essence fonts healing in a tiny amount of time but only hitting 5-7 targets instead

But also, channeling a full Upwelling essence font that does damage instead would be extremely fun in my mind (must have an angry red chi color)

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Can someone explain this to me? I’ve seen this said several different times but I don’t see how you can play the class without Essence font and especially in M+

I do agree it’s a little weak but even still, I still have trouble seeing how you can just not use it.

It could use like a 40% buff to the primary heal and a 15% to the Hot and it would be in a much better place that feels good.

It’s hpm (heal per mana) is never worth it in raid, and in m+ it simply doesnt heal for anything worthwhile.

Personally I hate the current style of raid healing.

As for M+, I get a lot of use out of EF, even on things like tyrann Altairus / Kaijin. It’s like monks only heal while moving lol

I do agree that it feels a little week though for the mana cost and time cost to channel it.

I’m not a fan either, i commented on it earlier with the CF comment. But the thing with EF is just it’s insanely poorly tuned, they even had to buff it mid-season, but it’s still never used. The healing number it does is “fine”, just costs to much mana, and in m+ it doesn’t heal enough since the current gameplay iteration requires burst healing to deal with yo-yoing of health bears.

Obviously it’s useable if you are on the move, have no instant vivifies available, and aren’t in melee range for AT, but it just has no place in our standard healing rotation currently

It’s definitely not meant for topping off spike damage but like sustained rot it’s okay. Peoples health don’t go up but they don’t go down as fast hahahaha

The primary reason I use it in M+ is to apply the buff for the mastery interaction. Gust of Mists is healing ~30% of my total healing in keys

Mastery makes the spike healing so much easier and so does the Tea of Serenity. Man having those extra instant cast EvMs with the chunky bonus heal attached feels so good


With a mastery build there’s definitely much more use for it, I was only thinking in the line of ‘standard’ builds where mastery is a non-wanted stat - sorry for not thinking in that line.

Well you can still make a Faeline mastery build and not use Essence font if you don’t want to

Also call mastery bad all you want but my renewing mist often heals for 150k + per cast because of it

Get a lot more uptime on dps instead of weaving because just doing ReM maintenance does so much healing


Not calling mastery bad at all, I was just discussing from a point of view on using standard build (haste/crit)

I’m all in for diversity in builds, there’s just some spells i don’t feel like contribute to the spec in a fun way

It’s the double mastery proc synergy with other heals that make EF worth pressing imo. I use it alot.


You put it in tactical locations to knock enemies into good places, or away from things. No good MW puts RoP in the middle of a pack of adds, that is just chaos. We can however put it just at the edge of the tank and most good tanks will abuse it by backing into it to keep adds off of them, it’s a very useful tool in m+ on fort weeks/hard hitting adds.


This could be the summation of Mistweaver in S2.

Rashok’s and 2-piece solves the mana issue but there are no solutions for Mistweavers healing profile which requires both significant setup as well as direct moment to moment healing.

We have Enveloping Mist, Essence Font, Renewing Mist, Soothing Mist, Enveloping Breath and so on but unfortunately none of those abilities actually move healthbars in a meaningful way. They do a great job in raid where other healers can spot heal and tank heal and prioritize debuff targets and such while the MW pads the meters with tiny ticks of healing but they are all but useless in many situations in keys.

I can have ReM out on all party members, have EnvM on the squishy target but when Harlan’s Daggers go out if I’m not hard casting Vivify at that exact moment, my team will die.

Meanwhile, Holy Paladins can just bank 3 Holy Power and 2 Holy Shock charges and press 3 instant casts while jumping around that double the healing I can do with 5 ReM’s, Enveloping, Soothing and multiple Vivify casts while standing still. Or they can just trade DT/DB/Prism into it and do more with 1 button than a MW can do with 5.

They also can give more armor and so would help against physical damage (similar to late). i.e. melee attacks and such

Mind you, I don’t agree with him on that particular point, but this is more of a FYI - personally, I feel we have a lot of defensive cds and it is super helpful in the current bursts damage environment. Edit, except spitefulls which do indeed suck when fistweaving

Sheilunes gift with the 4s per stack is what saves us there. But you need to wait till you get near full effectiveness on it - time your cast to end 2-3 ticks into the dot (make sure people are topped going into it). If you cast too soon you’ll overheal and then be stuck hard casting/using other cd’s to cover the gap.

Even at 6-7 stacks it is really strong for those burst heal moments - and you can get that much ~every 30 sec

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Give monks long arms like rogue ret and feral. Wind punches. Then you can punch heal while displaced.

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I think this is needed too. Fistweaving in true melee range SUCKS. Every stomp, every fixate, every ragestorm just 100% stops my AT healing.

Blizzard felt it necessary to give Holy Paladins extra range when they already had more ranged abilities than Fistweaver, so why not give the same treatment to Fistweaver?

I can use my sweep and ring and para etc to stop those fixates and I can sometimes dip in and out quickly with roll and port but if I end up using all those buttons to make up for my specs melee requirement then the spec becomes a “melee” healer with extra steps rather than a proper spec that brings utility and to be frank, I’d rather play a “melee” healer with a 10 yard range than one with a 3 yard melee range with port, roll and ring.

I’ve felt pretty bad using Ring to stop fixates and stuns to stop stomps a few times and then someone calls for one of those abilities to stop a proper mechanic and I’m like “ooh sorry I don’t have it” and they think I’m just pressing buttons for no reason rather than using them when the team needs them.

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Plate will still get 2 shot by a spiteful.

There is no class in the game that stands there and eats their damage.

This is why I always run a non FL build. You can still push to 20’s easily without needing fey line. Not having Fey Line gives you much more flexibility to be wherever you want to be during a fight.

Blizz needs to buff every other healer right now. Unfortunately all we are getting ( at this current time ) is a mana tea rework. Which feels bad to see after all the struggles we have been going through as MW imo.

ID rather just not be hard locked to melee tbh, or lose such a valuable tool like RoP. Fey Line is such an unfun ability and CF/RM or CF/Tears still works up to 20+s, if you really dont like fey line Id suggest swapping. ( note you can still do decent damage and everything else )

Dont think Ive literally ever been asked for RoP in my time playing MW since Legion. Tanks seem to love it though when I put it behind them on high fort weeks though so they can back up into it when they are out of defensives.

Spiteful weeks I dedicate RoP to keeping spitefuls off people/myself, most take advantage of it so it’s never wasted. RoP honestly makes spiteful and some other pulls pretty easy due to it being a pseudo interrupt ( in that if you knock something back it will interrupt the cast, if you are good at RoP you can put it just at the edge of a mob and bounce them about a foot - it interrupts them and doesnt throw them all over the place.
The duration of spiteful isnt that long and if you RoP the add back far enough they usually die/disappear before getting to anyone. Never been “asked” to use it for a certain mechanic.

Can you give examples of people asking for it? If it’s a tank and sub 20 run that tank has other issues. If it’s a DPS they should be using their own knockbacks/tools too and not relying on you to do so for them. If people are ignoring the spiteful adds relying on you to RoP - they’re just bad.

Spiteful IS a “proper mechanic” because if you don’t do the mechanic ( IE run away or stun the add ) you die. I wouldn’t hold it to cover for bads, use it when you deem appropriate tbh.

Paly being OP atm aside, I used to be able to do this too with TFT and blanket the group with 3-4 instant env mists and then drop instant vivify ( all while moving ). I liked to jump around a lot too when doing it, can be done with celestial up too for even more healing, and make sure to EF before the movement heavy phase happens :3 ( if you get a second to stop during the movements with enough haste you can easily pump soo-env-viv on the lowest health person though, cleave healing will spread, people will be healthy )

Spec was more fun when I could do that, I swapped out of more TFT’s to abuse the call of dominance trinket and haste buffs but I might go back to what I was doing S1. Ive been too distracted on my shaman.

For aoe:

Sheilun;s like mentioned above is super helpful every 22-30 sec. Revival is an immensely powerful aoe heal since they added the 100% dungeon buff.

TFT can help provide the burst you’re looking for on multiple people

Not to mention Yu’Lon/Chi’Ji are basically group wide god modes for their durations, even more so with the class trinket.

Outside of planning your CD;s for those situations ( if you cant stop moving for the daggers like you mentioned you should probably use your celestial and pre HoT before daggers ( extend with RM ) before the moving - or you can EF/revival, or instant TFT env people while moving )

Can pre Cocoon someone before daggers/moving too, if you have burst of life once if goes off it’ll spread that out.

Paly is just broken OP right now compared to every other healer. I wouldn’t compare them to anyone right now unless you are advocating for buffs for every other healer tbh. ( you should, the general consensus is that whre h paly is now is where we all should be)

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The way I handle that fight is the first one as soon as the daggers go out I SG which full aoe heals the group. The timing is tight before cannons go off. I also use veil of pride for 4s mists.

The second one, when he does the 4 tornado (which happens 4-5 seconds before the aoe knife cast) cast I pop Yulun and pre-enveloping the 3 dps and me which gets the hot rolling and enveloping breath going. If I can RSK before running the cannon fire away even better to refresh enveloping most.

Third one is SG again.

4th is either pre-enveloping during tornado and TFT essence font or can use revival to be safe.

Then you can repeat this with the only change being by cast 8 you won’t have revival, but he really should be dead before then.

Of course always maintaining renewing mist, using self defensives, etc. can also TFT enveloping to save someone or life cocoon them.