Posting Requirement: Level 10+ Character

I sometimes post in topics about name changes on level 8 bank alt because people are always wanting to take names from anyone under level 10, and Scrunchy for a male belf is pretty darn funny. I will have to level him up to ten now so everyone can see how fabulous he is.

This was the first concern I had. Unless Tech, CS and/or the New Player forums don’t have the level restrictions. I could see CS being a bit more relaxed on the level requirements since it is a heavily moderated section, and I think it also didn’t require an active account to post to like GD and the other forums did.

you have to have a character at level 70 on the same server.

For now. That requirement will most likely be removed soon. You used to have to have a level 60 on a server to roll a DK there. That didn’t even last 2 expansions after Wrath.

To fix this we should have a single “b. net” style personality and not post as a single toon on the forum.

I am not sure why they didn’t - I think all the other forums are on an account based id. It would solve so many problems.

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The other forums are for games that are match based whereas WoW is a persistent world. The potential for harassment is much greater because of this and likely why this forum is by character.

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If you were replying to me - I dont’ see how being character based leads to less harassment than battletag id. In fact I would think battletag id would result in less harassment. I have had people armory my character and then make characters on my servers to send mails. With battletag id they wouldn’t be able to do that.

Just make it the last or current player.

Also apparently you don’t need an active sub to post on the forums anymore?

Unless it’s going to show up when I try to hit reply…

::EDIT:: Nope! Can participate even with an inactive sub!

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Thanks, now we know for sure there will never be armory support for lvl 9 and below.

Because that would hurt others who do the rate my tmog threads and the threads that are class specific when asking about class or spec questions or topics .

So much agree with this. The level one alts never bothered me when they posted. Being an alt that someone doesn’t use does not make that players opinion any less valid. Someone trolling will troll on whatever character they can get away with. This just seems like another random restriction.


And then people disregard what you say for posting on a shadow alt as though you had something to hide.

If people attack your armory it’s generally because what you’ve done doesn’t line up with the tone you’re trying to give off, ie: players claiming they’ve played since vanilla when their earliest achievement is 2012, or people complaining about nothing to do when they’ve only leveled up and done maybe 2 bosses in lfr.

Not all opinions are worth validating, sometimes people are just talking in hyperbole and deserve to be called out.

Hmmm Has to be level 10 to troll the forums. Let me think about this for a minute. I GOT IT !!! Roll a DK, out of the oven at 55, don’t even have to do a single quest and presto you have a new forum troll alt.

Your welcome.


For characters over lvl 10, do they have to have a certain amount of /played time? I ask because I have several higher level alts that do not show up in my character list. I’ve logged out/in, deleted cookies and still nothing.

Is there a way to ignore players still?

I believe Obvious, an old level 1 forum troll is now level level 7, a few more levels and he will be back to amuse us again.

A level 120 troll calling a level 1 troll a troll.



I think that it’s hilariously laughable that you’re willing to publicly pretend like you think this will make any difference.