Posting images and trust levels?

It doesn’t have to be a blue that chimes in on this one. I know there are a lot of others who frequent this forum that may know the answer.

I remember seeing something about being “trust level 3” in order to post links etc? Can someone point me to the guidelines for this? Is there a way to see what level I am now?

I have a build I wanted to share on the classic forums, but the last time I tried to link the talent calculator it said I wasn’t allowed to.

Thank you,

Well, right now, you are level 2 on that toon.

I got this from the EU forums.

Then there is this:


Try this post for a ton of useful info about the new forums and levels: New Forum Guide - Syntax and Features

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In your .jason?

Hight ctrl+f and type in trust_level that will highlight several. The highest one is your current level.

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You can sill post a non-interactive link by enclosing it within ` (grave) characters
when enclosed within `` displays as


The others provided some guidance there, but just so you are aware, you pretty much just need to do some reading and visit the forum another day. :slight_smile:

It can take around 24 hours for the level 3 flagging to kick in, just so you know.


Hello all.

I’ve had the same question for quite a while. I’ve spent time searching but figured I’d wait to add to a post on the subject.

Is there a place to see what trust level you are? or do we have to figure it out?

In regards to…

It doesn’t state that a topic needs to be created. Does a character need to also create posts to earn level 3?

Thanks team.

BTW, :popcorn: for all assistance :grinning:

You don’t have to create topics but you do need to reply to at least ten different ones.

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Thank you


:popcorn: for you

You should be able to check your trust level using this link Aik:

We can’t see anything because your profile is hidden, but it should still show for you. There’s a link in one of the earlier replies to help you figure out what you’re looking for.


If you click your posting character and choose View Activity, that will open up your page that tracks your posts, replies, likes, etc.

Now if you add the following to the end of the URL in the address bar while on that page and then hit ENTER, you will be taken to the page that will show you a lot text – but it will contain your highest Trust Level within it.

Add to the end of the URL: .json

Type CTRl-F to search for this text while on that page: trust_level_


You guys are excellent. But I know that you’re excellent already.

Alright, found the page. Interesting content.

I found trust_level_0, trust_level_1, and trust_level_2 under the category groups.

Would it be fair to assume that since there is no trust_level_3 listed that I’m not there yet?

:popcorn: all around

Edit: opened my profile for you


Yep, it looks like you’re a TL 2 :slight_smile: In which case it’s just a matter of time and reading threads and you’ll hit TL 3!


Thanks Perl.

I’m not all too concerned about reaching level 3. I just never knew how you guys were able to point it out to people. I figured you were looking through their screens (takes off tin foil hat). I kept searching my profile for reference and could find nothing. I really didn’t connect how .json worked. Must be the old age, eh TW?

I hope this thread helps anyone else passing through.

Have a great day.

PS Closing the profile :wink:


The other thing about TL3 is that you can’t have had any sorts of disciplinary actions in the forum or in the game.

I used to be TL3 until I took an arrow in the knee. I mean, I was excessively rude to someone.

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