Post Undermine Raid Dialogue

The one between Orwenya and Gazlowe was touching. But I thought the one between Grimla Fizzlecrank and Revilgaz was the most interesting one.

Looks like Venture Co. might be getting an official leader with Grimla and Venture Co. turning over a new leaf. Possible even with a new name. Guess we’ll see if anything ever comes of it


While I don’t like the idea of the VC turning over a new leaf, I at least appreciate that it’s clear it hasn’t happened yet and it won’t be an easy transition.


The Black Blood is being proliferated elsewhere it seems.

Where has Gallywix sent the Black Blood? Where can he send the Black Blood?

Who wants the Black Blood and will start producing Black Blood Weapons themselves once Gallywix is gone?

The only places I can imagine Gallywix sending the Black Blood are Uptown Undermine, Kezan and the Brokers…

He of course can also have sold it to the Blood Magic-using Factions on Zandalar which is to say the Blood Trolls, the Sanlayn recruited by Sylvanas in BfA and the Mogu.

I mean, it had to happen at some point, especially in how many times we stompped the company to the ground for over 20 years.

Insanity is trying to do the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

So them trying to change tactics is kinda realistic at this point in time.


Rolling my eyes at the idea of Venture Co. reform. Can’t anyone be a recurring villain anymore?


Mate, the idea of a company not changing their tunes after getting stomped for 20 years, is the vastly worst type of story telling.

That is why it literally said, they either die out and she makes her own company/cartel or she kills the cancer from the company.

I always roll my eyes at comments like this because these types of comments do not want an mmo to be a living breathing story and just stay as “classic” forever. It’s been 20 years, of course they will change their ways for profit if they keep getting their heads knocked in all the time.


Are people not reading? 1) they have not reformed yet. 2) it makes it quite clearly maybe not all of venture co will even reform.

Thus saving it as potential villain material. Maybe it will reform someday(but not until WoW as a story ends) or maybe some of them wont at all and only a certain percentage of them will join Frizzlecrank unlimited.


Yeah, people do not read or understand the concept of a breathing living story. This is just another side story of venture co. conflicts that is going to happen off screen. Maybe they reform into a better company, maybe she leaves and makes her own company or there is a conflict and she offs the cancer from the company.


Ughhhh this is so good.

I love to see wow when it is at its thematic peaks. :smiley:


I find that people who complain about Why can’t X group just stay the same don’t understand that’s how stories stagnate and never move forward


Oh man, new patch, same folks posting here. Story forum really feels like a seasonal home to me.

There’s an argument to be made that a recurring villain can be funny if that’s the point, like a Team Rocket thing in Pokemon or Patches in FromSoftware games… But given the direction the story is going I don’t think that’s gonna be it.

I love Orwenya, though. 10/10 no notes.


It’s a company, not a nation, any given member could trivially move on if they didn’t like what they were doing. Their breaking point as a collective was unrelated to their usual captain planet villain shenanigans.

I’m not against things changing, the Blackwater raiders re-working what they’re doing in an age where nearly everyone with stuff worth plundering is under one of 2 different world powers’ protection is good and makes perfect sense.

There’s still a profitable niche for the kind of scummy stuff the Ventures do, the larger organization whipping around to be actually ethical is a complete 180 and I just don’t care for it since the other cartels are also in that niche.


But who said they aren’t going to do shady things? All goblins cartels do shady things. The issue with the venture Co is that they went beyond shady and into the territory of “yolo, screw everyone, profits” that was so bad it got two factions, not countries or states, FACTIONS collectively knocking their heads in for the better of 20 years

Imagine how terrible you have to be that you have multiple counties aligning to collectively kick your behind for 20 years. That isn’t even profitable at that moment because all you’re doing is trading with other beyond the world scums.

But we shall see. They’re still going to be goblin though so I expect some shenanigans

I thought perhaps Gallywix would be in charge of the Venture Co as perennial villains. We would have Gallywix bring his charming self, and the Venture Co being punching bags.

This does not seem to be the case.

I remember my Vanilla Rogue cutting a swath through Venture Co in early Class Questing.

Of all the fences to mend… this Venture Co. fence is difficult.


Aye, hence the two options for Fizzwink or whatever is either make her own cartel from the ground up or starting “cleaning house”.

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A faction of Venture Co. that causes problems for everyone can still exist. No real need to make the entire cartel turn good guys.


Yeah, I mean a bunch of them can leave and start their own new form of cartel.

It’s basically like in real life when Aldi came to America. They are a huge German brand but for monopoly law reasons, when they came to America, the Aldi brothers broke the company in two. Aldi’s and the other Traders Joe.


There’s a chance Kel’thuzad can return for Midnight. :8ball::robot:

I wouldn’t be shocked if Blackfuse Goblins show up in quests like the undermine guys.


Well Blackfuse rebranded itself as the Darkfuse. Which have now rebranded themselves once again, at least some have as Darkfuse solutions. Focusing on solving problems instead of causing them.