It’s nice seeing some of the cartels rebranding themselves for a more sustainable future.
Probably in the minority on that though
It’s nice seeing some of the cartels rebranding themselves for a more sustainable future.
Probably in the minority on that though
Uhh… I think you missed the subtext of that conversation haha.
My read was “we’re going to stop brute force subjugation and murder and start selling Bleach as an energy drink”
Lol it is more like “we have been a black ops military corp for so long we literally don’t know what else we can do. Here, go find what people want so we can market research it and figure it out. There will be a lot of trail and error”.
Kinda reminds me in the cyberpunk universe, the corp militech was almost going under and had to align themselves with the new United States of America, after the USA was broken down in the civil war 2.
It’s hard to be a recurring villain in a story where the hero never loses. Also you can look at how people react to “it’s Scarlets again” as to why they don’t want Venture to get played out.
Besides, it sounds like she realizes that VeCo isn’t necessarily going to be 100% on board with her ideas. Them being in-betweeners is more their style. To be honest, I always thought they were kind of the most truly neutral of the neutral goblins; because all that harvesting and polluting they’re doing is to sell a service to somebody, right? Who? Who is left who is not part of the two big factions that would buy Venture’s goods?
The Naga? Gnolls? Bloodsail? Dragonmaw? Giant swamp lizards?
Well you do solve all of someones problems if they are dead.
Yeah, venture Co is the east Indian trading company of wow. Too big that other nations and factions buy off them but all very vocal in how much they hate them and wish for their demise.
The post-raid questline with Marty Zoomcart and Rosebud Gallywix was absolutely grand.
Hilarious, but I would also argue that it was really important in demonstrating that while certain aspects of the Goblin character has matured and begun to develop, they haven’t departed from their self-serving and chaotic tendencies.
And you guarantee they are a life-long customer!
Swaps Acherus documents under a rug
Yeah, big mystery right?
Hot take but i like the post raid dialog because its implying that nobody has really reformed. Baron Revilgaz, may the seas bounties wind up in his coffers, is still just as willing to kill people in the logistics reform as he is in his swashbuckling days.
Gods i love the blackwater cartel so much.
They are such a cool cartel. I love the whole pirate/we can ship anything vibe they have
The lawyer bit was funny and now we know goblins even have colleges.
I really liked the sequence of missions involving the goblin public defender, especially since in my country I’m a lawyer, so the whole theme really involved me.
You also got that snazzy coat as well out of it.
They are goblins. Their entire gimmick as a species is doing stuff that doesn’t really work.
Mate, everything they do works. There wouldn’t be a horde without goblin tech.
It’s in the literal lore. The zepplins, the boats, the guns, bullets, now mechs.
I should say doesn’t work well and is horribly, grotesquely inefficient. And even then an argument can be made for “doesn’t work” because all of their stuff is liable to just up and explode at any given moment.
They’re funny little New Yorkers who make things that explode when they’re not supposed to explode. Venture Co. repeatedly getting pushed in whenever they do something is completely in character for goblins, as is them not learning anything from it.
Doesn’t work well? Mate, the horde and iron horde wouldn’t as powerful if they didn’t work well.
Also, the venture Co problem is they never had a trade prince and was more of a merchant criminal organization that changed all the time because there was no central order.
Different between goblin and gnome tech is that gnomes will take 100 years to make one rifle to perfection while a goblin will mass produce it but it might spark.