That’s the thing, though. If you’re on the PTR, let alone practicing heroics, you’re 1 in 1,000 players, easy. The esports aspiration may suffer, but it’s not representative of who’s playing. And that’s before reviewing the history of Cataclysm, when Blizzard tried to defend the tuning before making sweeping nerfs in both 4.0 and 4.2.
I’m confident that mid-skill guilds that did the usual 8/12 in 25 will use most of T11’s time to clear. And pugs will do 2/4 BoT, 3/6 BWD and 1/2 TotFW. I don’t think many people realize how staggering 2010 launch difficulty was.
Afterthought? I disagree. I have always thought the classes were decently well balanced against each other in pvp. We have new battlegrounds, new rewards, arena, rbgs, open world pvp. What more do you want? Wow classic is a pvp game.
Blizzard has access to all the exit surveys folks answered when they quit playing Cata. I can only guess they saw something different based on the difficulty of the first tier of Cata compared to Vanilla, TBC and Wrath.
A lot of folks complained Naxx was too easy. It got buffed.
A log of folks complained that Blackwing Descent and Bastion of Twilight were too difficult. I’m guessing that’s why it’s getting nerfed.
I mean seriously, you already explained the trend. So why does Blizzard do a 180? The obvious answer to why Blizzard is treating these upcoming raids differently is because Blizzard received different feedback from the player base about them.
hmm, i did some more testing tonight and the “post nerf” raids post is actually just misinformation, the bosses are in the 4.1 state and not the 4.2 which means they are barely nerfed at all, the al akir fight is completely untouched. We did identical damage to the kill in the paragon 25 video
The devs did an interview 2 days ago saying it would be released in the post nerf state.
I watched some heroic beta Alakir today and noticed the feedback duration was 20 seconds. The big nerfs in 4.2 changed it to 30s.
Maybe theres hope it actually is 4.1 tuning. Those were all good changes that mostly fixed unfair stuff like mechanics going on tanks that really punished you.
Heroic 5 mans should be nerfed. That’s definitly content a casual pug should be able to do.
Am I outdated or was Mythic Kil’Jaeden too far away from 2024?
We have been getting video games where the highest difficulty contents take the best of best guilds hundreds of attempts. The progression just feels so much more rewarding for all the preparation and synergy in the raid. The devs mentioned in interview that they are looking from contemporary players’ perspective no?
My raid downed heroic Chimaeron in 11 pulls, all of us have day jobs / go to college and we don’t no life in this game, it just felt absurdly easy.
Which I don’t really get, like why they’re rushing things so much? Are they just blindly listening to all the naysayers who say no one wants cata? I don’t know but every time I log in now the game is full of people. This is just anecdotal of course but it seems like lots of people are interested in cata.
Just browsing the posts from way back and telling some of my guildies about this, we seem to have hit every nerf that was very early on in the games cycle ( 4.0.3a to 4.1) and avoided all of the post 4.1 nerfs, the fights in 4.2 seem to have gotten completely murdered but we have not seen a singular patch note from 4.2 that is accurate to how its working on beta.
TLDR: the original person who found out the bosses were nerfed misunderstood how many nerfs t11 took as it went on prio to 4.1 and “post nerf” bosses which we don’t have just became = 4.2 nerfs
Its unclear if Blizzard even know that the community think they are getting 4.2 bosses while they are definitely getting 4.1 bosses
I hope we are getting the 4.1 nerfs, which seem to just get rid of a lot of unfair parts of the bosses instead of the 4.2 that completely kill the bosses. Agreed, kinda weird they would not specify this.
more PUGs filled with randoms, further eroding what little guild structureis left, less people required so more room for buyers in GDKPs, and basically a trash raid culture for the 3rd expansion in a row.
Nerfed raids dont mean dad guilds will happily clear them, it means those people dont have to get together and just spam LFRaid on chat to get pugging