Post Nerf Raids - Why?

they die in game and get owned in game and they say they have a life? maybe they should get a life in game!

I miss Athene…

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Need a translator, too much Zoomer

They are just RP.

They come to the forums to QQ.


wrong epoch.

Back to FFXIV I guess.

I could understand (still would disagree with the decision) for normal being post - nerf but Heroic? Nah. Pure laziness.

These aren’t small nerfs either, these are “flatten the content for transmog purposes” levels of nerfs.


Breaking news terminal online forum posters have no actual clue about where the pulse of the game is, post terrible takes.

More on this and other news at 11.

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As far as I could see there was no official post about raid difficulties being pre or post-nerf. There was speculation once raid testing started on the Beta and post-nerf values were seen, but I do not consider that to be Blizzard communicating a decision in regards to raid difficulty. Happy to be proven wrong though, maybe I did miss it.

Ya the face roll raiding things is working out great for SoD. Oh, wait a moment…


Raids in sod are not faceroll enough in fact for that crowd. If you’re a tourist with no experience you really shouldn’t speak on local policies.

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lmao if the raids weren’t faceroll there’d be no one doing them, they still think they are too hard/long and too hard to organize, sod community is literally the opposite of classic, if anything is beyond ubrs in difficulty or raid size they lose half the population

they think “run out with debuff that shoots your entire raid with lightning” = retail mechanics


I have no desire to make all content difficult. I have no issue with difficulties ranging to suit different players.

But if SoD raiding is too difficult for ANYBODY, nothing should be designed for somebody so unwilling to put in such minimal effort.


Yea this is a very bad idea for many reasons… for people that dont understand the significance i will break it down in 3 parts, because its bad for hardcore players, semi hardcore, and casual. Literally everyone.

  1. the post nerf raids are going to be absolutely destroyed by hardcore/semi groups day 1. Casual groups will easily get 9-11/12 week 1 with little effort. Thus putting normal on farm and raid logging starting week 1. For a vast majority of players.

  2. when heroic drops with 4.3.4 class balance hardcore guilds would have already cleared most of it. But some fights were a straight gear checks later. So while its doable, a full week 1 clear pre nerf would have been very difficult for even the most hardcore guilds. And semi/casual would only scratch the surface on easier ones like atra, halfus, and maybe chim. Before going into the more difficult progression. With 4.3.4 and post nerf. You can clear heroic in almost full 346 gear… it’s that big of a nerf. So youll have people start raid logging very very early.

  3. the difficulty curve of post nerf and pre nerf are very different. In general prenerf you started with 2 or 3 hc quickly, then each one you progressed pretty comfortably, until the last 3 or 4 were very very tough. With casual guilds usually sticking to halfus/atra/chim progression and maybe going for another one over 2 or 3 weeks. Semi would be mildly faster but still have a tough time. But would feel like consistent progress.
    However post nerf is more like you go into hc clear 7-8/13 instantly then just get stuck there. Because the last 5ish are so much more mechanically difficult. So you get locked into killing the same bosses weekly that you destroyed week 1, while being unable to really progress at all after that.

Going post nerf was 100% a bad choice for everyone involved imo. Very disappointed.


I was running a raiding guild with Cata and while we weren’t the best of the best, we did do the normal modes and some prenerf heroics.

I enjoyed running the prenerf dungeons with guildies too. That was fun.

Seeing how the current player base handled these raids especially was probably the most interesting part of a rerelease to me. I expected more of the same releasing stuff prenerf that has been happening the whole time of Classic and I expected players to get through it easier, but now we will never see how this plays out.

I think that things were far better with the whole #nochanges thing. All of these changes have make the game feel like a really crappy knock off to me, and I’ve never been one to like counterfeits.

It is what it is though, Blizzard has a pet market and catering to these players at all times is the priority.

I don’t fit with that “pet” market so I stopped playing a while ago. So I guess no loss, but I’m not a fan of the direction the game has taken at all.


the prenerf dungeons were so fun, actually needing cc, and people trying to go go getting slap slapped lol.


yall acting like post nerf turns every fight into 2min patchwerk fights. Literally who cares if hardcore/semi groups clear on day/week 1, they are not the majority.

There is nothing wrong with raid logging? You have 1.5 weeks from release to get pre raid bis. Even IF the raids were pre nerf, what more do you have to do for more player power other than 7 x heroic dungeons for vp cap? There are no separate 25/10m lockouts - People are going to be raid logging regardless.

Pre nerf may be a “bad idea” but it’s only that for the minority. I personally would have preferred pre nerf but also understand that post nerf is the best decision for the majority.

If you actually want to play something more difficult/challenging, unironically play heroic/mythic in retail.

It’s a game. Have fun with it for once.


You raiders scare the hell out of me. Look how nitty gritty you all are getting. This is starting to look like a pvp guide.

Look, your real enemies in reality are other players. Not big boss loot pinatas no matter how hard or easy they may be. When it is just you and another player looking down the barrel at each other… that’s the real game. That’s when things really get interesting. Shoot for that… not pve gear and overtuned loot pinatas

I get where youre coming from but… unironically it does turn about 3/4 of the fights into a patchwerk equivilent fight sadly. Just longer. In my long post i pointed out the problem isnt just the post nerf raids, its also the fact we’re on 4.3.4 class balancing. The entirety of normal outside of nef/cho is just a tank and spank with both in place. Just to give you an example, post nerf 4.3.4 balanced raid completely makes ascendant council mechanics a non factor. The eruption/shock abilities. Less than half your health on 25m normal, the idea you have to get them down to 25% at around the same time to lower the phase 3 bosses health. We got 1 to 25 while the other was still 80+ on both phases, still cleared the boss first try.
Hc halfus, literally released 3 dragons at once, had about 10 of our 25 die to stupid stuff.still 1 shot it.

If it was JUST post nerf, or JUST 4.3.4 class balancing it would be a different story, but having them together trivializes almost the entirety of t11 normal, and a pretty decent chunk of the hc fights.

And as i also said, its bad for everyone. Even casual players who get further than they normally would have are going to push really fast, then be stuck in that spot the entirety of the phase. Which is just bad for player retention. Prenerf was certainly harder, but it also had a much steadier curve. What we’ll get now will be a blowout until you hit the few HCs that stop your guild for months.

Edit: i have played with guilds ranging from casual to hardcore. And being in a group working to clear normal slowly and Steadily while you learn the fights feels a lot better then going in, not doing mechanics, clearing up into heroic, then not having any idea what to do and completely freezing progress.


Obviously you’re not a Dark Souls fanboy then.:grin:

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It can be as hard as you want it to be still. You don’t have to farm prebis, etc. You can go into the raid in questing greens, enforce rules on your guild like no food buffs, etc. Nobody is forcing you to make everything easier by using meta specs and buffs and farming prebis. You can’t honestly complain about the difficulty if you are doing everything in your power to make it easier and nothing in your power to make it harder. I imagine you’ll still have to do mechanics and the bosses wont just fall over in 20 seconds, I think complaining about this when you can make all sorts of personal and guild wide choices is weird. You could even just skip normal and do heroic in dungeon gear/ preraid bis. There are a lot of options to make it your desired level of difficulty, this doesn’t honestly hurt anyone who wants it to be harder.

Why do this come as a big surprise to anyone? We have had Vanilla, TBC and Wrath all based on the last (or next to last) patch. Did you think Cata would be treated better?