My helmet clips through my hair. My shoulders clip through my hair. I can’t look cool with my hair. I need a haircut.
If this was any other game, any other company, people would be crapping all over it for this work.
My helmet clips through my hair. My shoulders clip through my hair. I can’t look cool with my hair. I need a haircut.
If this was any other game, any other company, people would be crapping all over it for this work.
Reroll bud
My moustache clips through my hat. Didn’t you know that hair is enchanted with incorporeal properties in Azeroth - how do you think they stay in place, looking so fine, without the need for maintenance?
I had to do this so many times because I didn’t like the Hair I chose
Some Hair just doesn’t look as good, as I anticipated.
Barbershop and achievements!
/10 Chars.
In that case lets add paid 60s to. In that case store mounts. in that case tokens. Etc etc
Barber doesn’t affect the way the game plays. Everything you said does. #nochanges is fine and all, but people need to be objective about it. I wouldn’t care about a barber if Blizzard would fix the issue outright.
One of the defining aspects of vanilla was learning to live with your choices.
So I should just settle with the fact that Blizzard is sloppy and won’t fix clipping issues? One thing here needs to change. It doesn’t have to be barber, but it very well should be the lack of polish then. Barber is probably just easier.
Learn to live with your choices. The game has been out a long time and you’ve had a long time to research everything about it.
Oh god, get out of here with that crap.
That’s a crying shame. Go back to retail.
As I said, earlier, I re-rolled, numerously 'cause my Hair didn’t always pan out the way I wanted it to.
I vote for the barber shop. Realistically it’s a harmless change that won’t affect gameplay whatsoever.
No it does not open a precedent for other changes since we can’t compare a minor change like a barber shop to a game breaking change like transmog.
You’re telling me I should have researched my hairstyle so I wouldn’t be disappointed when I hit 60 and equipped a tier 2 helmet and tier 1 shoulders that conflict with it?
If you’re trying to make me laugh, it worked.
If you give a mouse a cookie, he’s going to want a glass of milk…
The clipping of helm and shoulders into your hair (and head for that matter) has always been a “lol” moment in WoW…
If you wanna play WoW the dress-up game, retail is a click or two away.
I am rerolling a toon right now because of a visual thing i dont like. Sucks. But its going much faster
The likelyhood of these changes coming in is slim
The #nochanges crowd is absolutely hilarious and ridiculous
Yeah dude just reroll and spend like 3 weeks of your life getting to 60 again because you don’t like how your hair looks haha just pull yourself up by your bootstraps bud haha live with your choices a barber shop would literally ruin the game