Possibly Solved TY BLIZZ! Guild finder not working and New realm can't accept invites

I received a response from Blizzard today. I tried to copy/paste it but it wouldn’t work. Basically yes the devs are aware of many Guild functions not working after mergers (not sure why i was told twice no know issues but whatev) and that CS cant really fix it so he wanted me to send a bug report in game to them. IF EVERYONE COULD SEND ONE IF THEY ARE READING THIS PLEASE DO SO!!! Lets flood them with reports! He did not know how long it would take to fix but said they are aware and working on. So hopefully my friends it will get back to working order soon!!!


Legends of Awesomeness —Lothar --Founded August 2012 -524 members BROKEN

" They are aware and working on. " Good to hear, time to do the in game bug report. Ty Mannah !

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9/1 and this is still an issue! Guild leader on Frostwolf and we’ve been experiencing this since day one of the connected realms. Everyone keep submitting bug reports, I guess?

Any other work arounds or news from Blizz on this?

Kargath had a merge last thursday, and my guild has been suffering through this problem since then. I made alts on several servers to check it out, and as mentioned above the alts see the recruitment (though I have to disable/re-enable it every few days or it vanishes) but I don’t see the application at all, nor do I see the long history which I had til last week. Another weird issue I am having is that the guild interface tells me that I have 998 members, when the true number is closer to 950. When the alts see the recruitment message, it says 950. Scrolling through the member list, the last 60 or so records are either blank or garbage. The old guild roster interface also shows 998 members, but does not show the garbage records.

This thursday we are merging with 2 more servers. I shudder to think what new pleasures that will bring.

Well we all wish you luck on your new merge. Its been 3 weeks and more ( Cenarius first then Korgath 2nd time around) for us and noting yet on a fix. I would guess we are in line to get some more realms added to us also so they might be waiting until we are all smashed together ???

Maybe they are waiting until all merges are done then they will fix this problem. I just want to recruit for SL and i am bummed that i cant. Hopefully the fix will be sooner than later!

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This has spread to Anvilmar. I’ve got an all alts guild for myself and I have this exact issue. Not affecting my guild on Muradin. I’ve opened two tickets to get characters added - and neither GM knew of any issues.

Just tried again today after the new merges (Thunderhorn and Blade’s Edge) and it’s still broken. I also found something interesting today where /ginfo, /groster, and the current UI roster all showed different results (212, and 222 respectively). It seemed there were old bugged toons in our roster (mostly offline over 1-2 years). So I’ve kicked those bugged toons out of our roster, and all signs show 198 members now. However, the guild application to a new applicant still shows 210 members and pending status when applying. Is this frozen in time perhaps? We’ve not been at 210 members in a couple of weeks… Maybe this data can help. Please fix this. We are trying to recruit in anticipation for Shadowlands and this is putting a major dampener on things.

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Submitted another bug report ingame today after relisting my guild again. It’s been around a month since this bug hit my server (TwistingNether) and I’m so tired of it–it’s such a massive bummer to know that we’re probably missing out on recruits with this.

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I can’t believe we have not seen a blue post about this…

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4 hour Tuesday maintenance … Fingers crossed they have a fix coming ???


Having the same problem no guild showing and can’t do any guild invites for alts and I know all if not most of my characters are in a guild and have been part of the same guild since the day I started playing WoW back during Cata

Skywall has been having the same issue ever since its merger into Silvermoon. I put in a ticket today and got back a response of “there is no workaround and fix”. This is such a terrible bug, this could destroy our guild community’s future.

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Well I was really fearing this. Such sad news that you were told that there wasn’t a fix /sigh. Hoping they don’t tell us that we have to delete our guilds and just start over to make the guild finder work. Achievements earned… trashed, tabs purchased trashed. This would not be acceptable to me ! Guess we will just be guild finder less. Come on Blizz please find a fix.


Same here, we have a guild on Dreadmaul. After Frostmourne was linked to us we have not been able to list or receive applicants through the guild finder. I have tested this by adding an ALT, he can find the guild and apply but on my GM character there are no applicants or applicant history.

This is still happening (post maintenance) on Twisting Nether. I can see the application on the pending side from the toon that made it, but on the guild leader’s side, no pending application shows up, and the Applicants AND Applicant History section are greyed out.

LOL !!! MORE CONNECTIONS… Frostmane, Ner’zhul, and Tortheldrin will be connected to Blackmoore, Cairne, Cenarius, Korgath, and Perenolde. Funny thing is we never even had Blackmoore added because they were EU the very first time they announced merges way back. Getting closer to my 10 realm smashed together guess a month ago. Hopefully they address the guild finder issues when they are done with merges. REMOVE YOUR GUILD GOLD NOW, IT MAY END UP MISSING !!!

This is still a problem post today’s maintenance. We still cannot see the pending guild applications on the guild leader side. Is there any ETA on getting this fixed? We really wanted to open up recruiting in anticipation of Shadowlands.

Unfortunately, the longer they can keep ignoring this and putting it off, the less affected surviving guilds they will have that need this addressed. Once enough guilds die off, the problem will be rare enough that they can ignore it altogether. If this were a serious enough problem in their eyes, they would have acknowledged it by now, and at the least stopped merging realms til they figure out why it is happening.

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