Possibly Solved TY BLIZZ! Guild finder not working and New realm can't accept invites

Guild leader on Dawnbringer here. Dawnbringer-Madoran was merged yesterday with Azuremyst-Staghelm. Same issues as you folks are seeing: missing names on the roster, guild log is a hot mess and guild is not listed in the guild finder, with the applicant/applicant history grayed out.

I’ve had to unlist and relist several times, but so far, since yesterday, toons I’ve created on Cenarius and Korgath (just for this purpose) have been able to see my Perenolde Alliance guild, Solstice, in the listings. Still can’t see applicants when logged in on my guild leader or officer toons. This is getting very frustrating. Are Cenarius or Korgath guilds able to access guild applicants, I wonder? I have an old guild over on Skywall (which was also recently connected to other realms). I am guild leader over there as well, and that guild interface is working just fine - so it’s absolutely realm related, and not just a general failure of the guild finder.

I’m on vashj/frostwolf and i can find my guild in guild finder but cant accept the applications so im having the same issue

Well now I am even more Mystified. I helped a Korgath person and signed his charter to start a new guild and his applicant page worked fine ??? I used my cairne and a cenarius toons and applied and he accepted [ boom ] in like we are supposed to be. But still cant see applicants on our older guilds ??? I left their guild with those 2 toons applied to my own ( which we can now see and apply ) and still cant see the applicants on our end. VERY CURIOUS ???

An update after Korgath was added, and multiple variations on guild applications and direct /ginvites was tested.

Sadly, there are still the same problems as before, but they’re inconsistently popping up. I was able to list my guild, find the guild in the Guild Finder by searching, and someone else was able to both see and apply (and I could see their application a few days ago, last night it stopped working again).

Also, the guild finder appears to “lose” your Guild’s recruitment posting if no one is online, so if you’re trying to get one of your own alts into a guild you’re currently in, there’s a good chance you won’t see your own guild listing when you switch characters if no one else from the guild is currently in-game.

I have characters on other servers that have not been merged recently, and none of these issues seems to be affecting those guilds.

I’m starting to think this might possibly be left over from when they first tried to connect Perenolde/Cairne to Cenarius and then had to postpone it. At that point the guild finder and recruitment were completely broken, if I recall correctly. I have submitted multiple bug reports in game about various guild finder, guild recruitment and guild roster issues.

An aside - a friend who runs a guild on Cairne told me that when he tried to invite me to a group, it told him that Sylaria-Blackmoore (I think) was in a group. He also said that there are several Horde toon names showing up in his guild roster.

They have screwed up a bunch of guild related and non-guild related stuff with these connections. And it’s quite frustrating that they have not even so much as acknowledged the issues.


Still broken as of 8 / 27 / 2020.

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Yeah, had to relist again this morning for the umpteenth time in the past few weeks. I’m not even sure why I bother since applications still aren’t going through which means people need to either add me on bnet or send me ingame mail to join the guild, which most people don’t. This whole thing is kind of a huge bummer. Not only are we hamstrung from benefiting from the merge by picking up new people who weren’t available to us before, now I’m also worried we’re going to miss out on new expac hype people who are joining/coming back to the game and looking for a guild in the guildfinder.

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Same here - had to relist last night. I have gotten a couple. I am also listing on PerkyPugs Discord in their Guild Recruitment channel. I have gotten a couple from there, too.

Prior to this bug, I would get sometimes 5 applicants a week or more. This bites.

Just realized it’s been three weeks since this post went up. Three weeks with no acknowledgement from Blizzard that they borked our guild recruitment (and our guild rosters - and a host of other stuff). And three weeks with no fix.

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hey I finally found someone else with the same problem!!! I submitted a bug and ticket report and they told me to just reset Wow Interface…it did not work. Before our merge i would have application notifications all the time. Blizzard said no known issue which is a bunch of BS…also my guild banks history is from 5 years ago…weird!

Same!!! It is so frustarating because WOW says no known issue…obviously there is one!

Same issue with the 8/27 Antonidas and Uldum merge to Akama, Dragonmaw, Eldre’Thalas, Korialstrasz and Mug’thol. None of the Antonidas or Uldum guilds are showing up in guild finder, even when they’re reposted.

I put several tickets in and their response is “no known issue” just reset your Wow UI. Don’t do that it effs everything up and clearly its not the solution. I really want this resolved before Shadowlands drops.

I’ve done the reset and removal of WTF, Interface and Cache folders and just now did a complete uninstall and reinstall on a computer that uses zero addons. STILL BROKEN, so don’t bother doing any of the above because it wont fix the guild finder application problem. I started this post hoping they would notice ( 3 weeks ago ) but with shadowlands incoming guessing they have more important issues.


It’s still broken.

Blizzard, we’re losing out on a major recruiting tool as people are coming back for SL. Help us out!

The problem is, even if all of this worked, this is clearly an issue that is affecting a LOT of guilds. Every RP guild I know on TN-RH has been affected with this issue. I wonder how many guilds just haven’t even noticed why they aren’t getting new applications yet. If it’s an issue affecting this many guilds on this many different servers, you’d think Blizzard could at least put out a bluetext post or something telling guilds to go reset their UI or whatever (if that actually worked, which, you know, it isn’t)

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We are having the same problem here on Kargath. It started following the server merges. Even after relisting the guild for recruitment, we can’t see anyone who applies. This was tested with various alts with multiple accounts of members in the guild. We can apply to the guild in the guild finder. On the applicant’s side, we see “Pending”. On the guild side, as an officer or guildmaster, we can’t see the applicant. In fact, Applicant and Applicant History (we’ve had many apply before that we could see before reset) are grayed out.

Hopefully this gets fixed soon. We were hoping to beef up our active roster numbers a little before shadowlands so folks in the guild have a few more people to chat with along the way up to 60.


OK. Did some more digging and found some unusual results. Tested on some other guilds that I own, that I had honestly almost forgot about. ( very dusty guilds ). The guild finder worked on the 2 small ones but not my main LARGE Guild.

My main and original guild :
Psychotic Bank of Death - Perenolde founded 2009 --261 members. BROKEN
Dusty Guilds :
Infamous Horde ------------ Cairne ----- founded 2013 – 1 member --IT WORKS
Lethalogical --------------Windrunner----founded 2010-22 members- IT WORKS

… and the rest here are public info, hoping not to burn any bridges but I used the profiles above for this information. I apologize for my spelling ahead of time if I screwed some up !

LWW------------------------Kargath-------founded 2004----222 members—BROKEN
Sanctuary------------Twisting Nether-founded 2006—211 members—BROKEN
Comraich-------------Dawnbringer----founded 2011—273 members—BROKEN
Legends of Awesomeness- Lothar–founded 2012—524 members—BROKEN
The Mighty Murlocs----------Uldum–founded 2012—452 members—BROKEN
Solstice---------------------Perenolde—founded 2005–629 memebers—BROKEN
Philanthropist------------------Cairne–founded 2012-----16 members—BROKEN

So in total 2611 total toons affected that have reported here and guessing ALOT more haven’t. Take 2611 toons divided by lets say 7 for alt users (probably light) = 373 accounts affected. To all that post here, Please throw out your guild / realm / founded / and member information totals. Maybe we will get this issue addressed.

I can add to this list of the other guilds I know are broken on my server for sure (tested, there are others I know I suddenly stopped seeing in the guildfinder after the connection, but I can’t confirm them for sure)

Borrowed time ---- Twisting Nether - Founded 2009 – 193 members – BROKEN
Night Vanguard ---- Twisting Nether - Founded 2017 – 118 members – BROKEN
The Honorborn ---- Twisting Nether - Founded 2016 – 20 members – BROKEN